I'll be attending once again this year, frantically running from panel to panel and trying to keep a burgeoning schedule of television-related events straight in my head. It will especially difficult this year, with a jam-packed schedule of events that seems to include nearly every single television series remotely connected to the genre (Dollhouse, Fringe, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Doctor Who, Torchwood), a few dramas that have used the con to reach out to fans in the past (24), and many, many series that are making their first stop at the convention (Bones, The Office, etc.)
Yes, it's officially television overload at Comic-Con this year, with many TV panels scheduled at the same time, leading to all sorts of scheduling conflicts for the TV-centric among us.
I am curious: which panels are you guys planning to attend? Which ones will you fight tooth and nail to into and which ones would you be disappointed about getting shut out of?
In any event, I'll be at Comic-Con beginning this Thursday, so if you see someone frantically scribbling into a pad and dashing around the convention center like a madman, it's likely me.
Honestly, I'm happy that so many more shows will be represented this year but I wish there wasn't as much overlap. Making me choose between Chuck and Pushing Daisies is just wrong.
RTVW, I totally know your pain: the "Supernatural" panel is opposite "Harold & Kumar" and choosing who I love more-- Jensen Ackles and Neil Patrick Harris-- is criminal!
I think I'm saddest that I'll be missing the Dr. Horrible panel, which if it were me I'd just find that room at the beginning of the day and sit through whatever went on until Whedon and crew showed up.
(Thats the lesson I learned when it sold out on Sat last year, find the room with the most stuff you want to be at and just sit there the entire time, as the lines get far too long otherwise)
Have fun! I am staying far away.