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Wee America?: HBO Pacts with Simon Fuller to Adapt "Little Britain"

As Daffyd Thomas might say, "I'm the only gay in the... Peoria, Ill. metropolitan area?"

Variety is reporting that HBO is in talks with American Idol creator Simon Fuller to adapt the wickedly funny British sketch series Little Britain for an American audience. Little Britain creators Matt Lucas and David Walliams have approached Fuller to develop the series for the pay cabler and HBO has confirmed that it is in discussions with Fuller about adapting the show. No further details were released.

"It's not surprising a U.S. take on Little Britain would end up on HBO. The surreal and scatological sketch show, whose characters include 'The Only Gay in the Village,' wayward teen Vicky Pollard and an incontinent grandma, would be a tough sell for the broadcast nets."
I'd have to agree. But even on HBO, I'm not sure how well characters like Daffyd, Vicky Pollard, Emily, Ill. Howard, and Lou and Andy will translate for audiences on this side of the pond. Additionally, I don't think I could watch a Little Britain (or, heck, Little America) sans Lucas and Walliams. To me, it's impossible to separate these two brilliant writer-actors from the characters they portray.

So, what does everyone else think? Will Little Britain fly over here? Or is this another sad attempt to capitalize on the success of a foreign program only to end up bastardizing the show completely (i.e. Coupling)?


Anonymous said…
So far, the only recent show to make a successful jump from the UK to the US is "The Office." And the show didn't catch on until its second season when they stopped copying the British version and made it their own.

I adore the insane comedy of "Little Britain" but, as you said, fear an Americanized version and don't think the show would be the same without Matt and David's talent.
Anonymous said…
I haven't seen Little Britain, but if it can be ADAPTED like The Office was instead of perhaps being a note-for-note remake like Coupling was, it could probably work. I've actually watched corresponding episodes of UK Coupling and US Coupling and even though the scripts were almost identical, the cast and subtle Americanization clearly killed the funny.
Kevin Sole said…
Ah, I just don't think they could pull it off properly -- especially if Matt and David weren't attached. Hard to imagine the series without them in there.

I want that one.
Anonymous said…
While at least it's HBO involved, it still makes me terrified it will get Coupled.
Anonymous said…
I'm wondering though. Why HBO? I mean, there are obvious answers, but what about Sundance? They do Kath & Kim, and while LB is more edgy, it has the same feel. I don't know. I love Little Britain. I just have a bad feeling about the whole thing.

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