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Dogs at the Feast: Imprisonment and Escape on True Blood

This season of True Blood has continued to kick into overdrive, delivering yet another taut and disturbing installment that not only advanced the overarching plot of the fourth season but also pushed several characters past their breaking point, revealing the skull beneath the skin quite literally in some cases. Last night's episode ("I Got a Right to Sing the Blues"), written by Alan Ball and directed by Michael Lehmann, should serve as a prime example of the sort of dizzying storytelling that True Blood excels at, juggling multiple subplots and weaving together several story strands as the direction that Season Four is taking becomes all the more clear. But the main narrative throughline would appear to be the characters' individual quests for their humanity, between the desires of the flesh and the fulfillment of the spirit, the insubstantial, and the ethereal. For the supernatural creatures that populate the shadowy world of True Blood , humanity is a vestment t...

Bad Romance: Chuck Takes Comic-Con By Storm

One of the most indelible--and therefore indescribable--moments of this weekend's San Diego Comic-Con was the Chuck panel, which debuted a brand-new music video from the international smash hit Jeffster! Performing a hysterical rendition of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," the music video (entitled "Jeffster Dance Video Take 73") served not only as a truly memorable introduction to the panel itself but also segued into the appearance of the cast en masse to the tune as Vik Sahay and Scott Krinsky led the cast in a bit of impromptu dancing as they made their way onto the massive stage of Ballroom 20 on Saturday. (A clip of the Chuck crew dancing their way to massive cheers--seriously, turn down your volume if you watch--can be found below.) The big news of course coming out of the Chuck panel was that Linda Hamilton--yes, she of the rippling physique from T2: Judgment Day has been cast as the mysterious and missing Mary Bartowski, mother to Chuck and Elli...

Trailer Park: HBO Releases New Promo for Period Drama Boardwalk Empire

I came home from San Diego Comic-Con to discover the first six episodes of HBO's new period drama Boardwalk Empire , from Terence Winter and Martin Scorsese, waiting for me in a glittering stack of DVD screeners. While I haven't been able to sink my teeth into them yet (that will come later today), I can share with you the latest promo for the series--which stars Steve Buscemi, Kelly Macdonald, Michael Kenneth Williams (Omar comin'!), Michael Shannon, and a host of others, which HBO released last night. The promo can be viewed in full below and I'm curious to know what you think, as Boardwalk Empire is one of the series I'm most eagerly awaiting. (Okay, that's an understatement of the highest order: I'm positively salivating over it already!) Preview Trailer #4 Boardwalk Empire premieres Sunday, September 19th at 9 pm ET/PT on HBO.

San Diego Comic-Con: Head to Greendale with Community Panel

There's no possible way to be everywhere at once at San Diego Comic-Con, which is why I'm always chuffed when the studios and networks release video for the panels that I missed. One panel that I would have loved to have seen was that for NBC's gleefully absurd comedy Community , but I was actually moderating the panel for ABC's V over in Ballroom 20 at the same exact time that creator Dan Harmon and the Greendale kids were discussing Season Two of the Sony Pictures Television-produced comedy. But, alas, it was not meant to be. Many thanks then to NBC for releasing the video for the panel itself, which can be viewed in full below, even if I didn't see any Human Beings roaming the halls of the convention center. Which would have been far more scary than any Cloverfield monster, really. Season Two of Community begins this fall on NBC.

San Diego Comic-Con: AMC's Panel for Zombie Drama The Walking Dead

Missed the hordes of zombies at this weekend's San Diego Comic-Con International? Or the actual walking dead themselves? Worry not, zombie fiends, as AMC has released highlights from its panel for its upcoming zombie drama The Walking Dead --based, of course, on the comic book series by the one and only Robert Kirkman--so you can get a look at the cast and crew of the horror-filled series even if you didn't make it to San Diego. The eleven minute video--which picks out the best bits from the Walking Dead panel on Friday--can be viewed below in its entirety. The Walking Dead launches in October on AMC.

Channel Surfing: Linda Hamilton Ups Chuck, Alfred Molina to Law & Order: LA, Felicia Day Gets Eureka, Burn Notice, and More

Welcome to your Monday morning television briefing. It's the brief calm between the dual storms of Comic-Con and the TCA Summer Press Tour and there oh so much to do. Let's hit the headlines. Chuck 's executive producers Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak stunned audiences at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend by announcing that Linda Hamilton ( Terminator 2: Judgment Day ) would be playing Chuck's mama Mary Bartowski, the oft-mentioned missing mother of the Bartowski siblings who was briefly glimpsed in the season finale. Hamilton will recur throughout Season Four of Chuck , though producers are being cagey about saying just what Mary has been up to since she walked out on her family, though they do admit that espionage runs in the family. "Hamilton will appear throughout the season, leading Chuck to discover that her life was shrouded in secrets," said Warner Bros. Television in an official press release about the casting. "She was a spy, a CIA agent ... and t...

To Live to See the Great Day That Dawns: True Blood's Killer Sizzle Reel for Season Three

As Comic-Con 2010 wraps up today (and I head back to Los Angeles to prep for the TCA Summer Press Tour), HBO has released the absolutely killer teaser reel it lovingly crafted for its True Blood panel (which you can read about here ). The two-minute-and-twelve-seconds clip depicts upcoming scenes--and MAJOR reveals--coming up in the back half of the third season and had the crowd in Ballroom 20 cheering and screaming at the top of their lungs. Yes, True Blood fans, things are about to get really, really crazy in Bon Temps. (And Jacksonville, of course.) You can watch the full clip below but be warned that there are MAJOR SPOILERS for the rest of the season contained within. Yes, seriously. I'm not kidding: MAJOR. Watch below at your own risk and come back tomorrow to discuss tonight's episode... Season 3: Comic-Con Second Half Preview True Blood airs tonight at 9 pm ET/PT on HBO.