I am feeling really melancholy this morning after watching last night's episodes of The Office and 30 Rock , especially given that The Office 's lukewarm offering was the last episode of the NBC comedy that we'll see... until after the WGA strike is resolved. Last night's installment of The Office ("The Deposition"), written by supervising producer Lester Lewis, was shockingly low-key in comparison to recent episodes, which had Michael driving a car into a lake, kidnapping a pizza delivery boy , and attempting to flee Scranton on a cargo train . But it wasn't the restrained tone that bothered me (in fact, we don't need the histronics of Season Four's one-hour episodes in order to find the funny), but it was so far understated that the entire episode seemed strangely static. I've been calling for a return to more office-based humor and less field trips (unless they're organic like "Booze Cruise" or, hell, even "Branch Wars...