Wow. Talk about a shocker of an episode. I'm still a little stunned by the oddness, to be entirely honest. I'm talking, of course, about last night's Desmond-centric episode of Lost ("Flashes Before Your Eyes"), which explained the nature of his precognitive abilities and what happened to him when he turned the fail safe key in the hatch. Well, sort of, anyway. Let's refresh: At the end of last season, Locke forced the computer timer to reach zero, despite the attempts by Eko to prevent this from happening. Desmond has spent three years pressing the button and was eager to escape his purpose, though he realized that the last time he didn't push said button, he caused the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Still with me? He entered the secret passageway, inserted the key into a certain octagonal lock, and BOOM! the hatch imploded. Somehow, Eko, Desmond, and Locke were all miraculously saved from a fatal, well, squishing inside the hatch. Desmond woke up, naked a...