Personally, I think this batch of new series is pretty much a wash so far. Given the cancellations already of both FOX's Lone Star and ABC's My Generation, the clock is already ticking for more than a few other freshman series. (My money's on either The Whole Truth or Outlaw to be the next to fall.)
But, just out of (morbid) curiosity, I'm wondering which new fall series you're still watching and which you've already consigned to the dust heap of memory (or at least deleted your TiVo season pass).
Still hooked on The Event? Curious about Undercovers? Already passed on Running Wilde or Raising Hope? What are your thoughts on Hawaii Five-O, Mike and Molly, Chase, No Ordinary Family, Blue Bloods, The Defenders, Bleep My Dad Says, Nikita, and Hellcats?
Is there anything you've given a reprieve to or a complete pass? (And, yes, feel free to include new cable series like HBO's Boardwalk Empire or FX's Terriers, the only two new fall series that I've really taken a shine to.)
Talk back here.
Still Watching: The Event, No Ordinary Family, & Nikita
I was really hoping that I'd like Undercovers but it's just so blah and I'm going to pull a Mean Girls here, 'NBC stop trying to make Sexpionage happen!' It's just so Streets Behind :-)
I've heard great things about Raising Hope so I think I'll try to catch up on that one or jump in next week. Overall the freshman class has been very 'meh' this year.
I occasionally look to the Internet to see an episode of Hawaii 5-0 and maybe Outlaw, but only if I'm bored after catching up on everything else that I watch.
I haven't given reprieves to anything, unfortunately. I gave up on Detroit 1-8-7 after the first episode. I was going to watch the second episodes of Lone Star and My Generation, but then they got canceled and I no longer saw the point. Better With You wasn't enjoyable enough for me to continue watching.
Still waiting for Love Bites, Body of Proof, Facing Kate, Ride-Along, The Cape, The Walking Dead, Criminal Minds:SB, Luther and Tower Prep to start, though most of those are midseason shows.
I've also kept up with The Event which I don't think is nearly as awful as you do but also hasn't managed to convince me to commit. I keep saying I'm dropping it completely but then I keep watching it each week. Partly because I've got nothing else at 9PM on Mondays and partly out of curiousity.
The Event and No Ordinary Family, reluctantly, as my best friend and Alan Sepinwall seemed to not hate them and Jason Ritter is cute. I have watched only one ep of each, so far. Kay is fed up, Alan is "that's it for me" and I haven't made it to ep 2 or 3. DVR swallowed NOF this week as well.
Hawaii 50 - just for my brother. So far, seen one ep, only like the theme song. Never watched the orig. Police dramas are not in my playbook.
Feces My Dad Says - never liked the Twitter feed but I did like the book. Not fond of the Shat unless he is self-parodying, have 6 eps of Boston Legal left to watch. If there is enough of a tech angle and not just sitcom, I might be able to watch this.
Outsourced - I liked the end of the second episode. I know I am in the minority. But I did like the such a young "manager" would choose to save all his employees - even the one with no redeeming ethics. It was too easy, maybe, but I liked the message. Perhaps I would have enjoyed Gung Ho, if I had ever heard of it.
Have I missed anything new?
The Event and No Ordinary Family, reluctantly, as my best friend and Alan Sepinwall seemed to not hate them and Jason Ritter is cute. I have watched only one ep of each, so far. Kay is fed up, Alan is "that's it for me" and I haven't made it to ep 2 or 3. DVR swallowed NOF this week as well.
Hawaii 50 - just for my brother. So far, seen one ep, only like the theme song. Never watched the orig. Police dramas are not in my playbook.
Feces My Dad Says - never liked the Twitter feed but I did like the book. Not fond of the Shat unless he is self-parodying, have 6 eps of Boston Legal left to watch. If there is enough of a tech angle and not just sitcom, I might be able to watch this.
Outsourced - I liked the end of the second episode. I know I am in the minority. But I did like the such a young "manager" would choose to save all his employees - even the one with no redeeming ethics. It was too easy, maybe, but I liked the message. Perhaps I would have enjoyed Gung Ho, if I had ever heard of it.
Have I missed anything new?
Tried and still watching: Undercovers, Hawaii Five-O, Mike and Molly, No Ordinary Family, Blue Bloods, Law & Order: Los Angeles, and Bleep My Dad Says.
A cuople of these are on the bubble for me so we'll see what happens.
The other new shows don't interest me at all. I'm no fan of cop and detective shows - and isn't the TV market over-saturated with procedurals already? No? Well, I am.
Still watching: HAWAII 5-0. I watch while multitasking other things but it's already losing some appeal. NIKITA. Nothing new to see yet I'm still watching and not sure why. NO ORDINARY FAMILY.. saved on the DVR, to watch and review later this week.
Officially dropped Undercovers, not watching Hellcats, Better With You, Bleep my Dad Says, or Outsourced.
Still watching The Event, but don't really enjoy it HA; still watching Nikita, really liking Blue Bloods. Hawaii Five-0 is still making the cut, but I don't necessarily love it. The Whole Truth is just ok, so I'll keep watching probably until it's canceled; ditto Outlaw.
I LOVE Terriers and enjoy Boardwalk Empire, so they're both still a-go.
Recorded but have not watched: the Event and Rubicon
On the bubble: Mike & Molly
Still watching: Nikita, Hawaii 5-0 No Ordinary Family, Defenders
Love: Terriers and Top Chef Just Desserts
May only have one more week: Raising Hope, Running Wilde, Better With You Bleep My Dad Says, No Ordinary Family and Outsourced.
I'm not completely in love with any of those. I have wanted to catch up on The Event on Undercovers online eventually.
Other than Terriers, most of the new shows are grading shows -- I watch while I'm grading papers. Undercovers has survived due to lack of competition. Still watching H50. (I catch Castle On Demand.) And I have to admit that I find The Defenders kinda fun. Nikita fell by the wayside once Fringe came back on. I might pick up Blue Bloods after Haven's season finale.
I'm still watching Undercovers, which I think is brilliant and definitely the best new show this season (not counting Terriers or Boardwalk Empire).
Hawaii Five-0 is still enjoyable and fun to watch, and I thought that last night had the best episodes so far of Running Wilde and Raising Hope.
Better With You has pretty good jokes - I can't stand the actor playing the youngest guy though, I think he's horrible. I like the show but I don't think it has a lot of time left.
No Ordinary Family last night was awful. I'll give it one more episode.
Haven't been able to watch episodes 2-3 of Outlaw yet but I did like the pilot (probably the only one).
Love Terriers. Boardwalk Empire is pretty great. Rubicon is amazing (does that count, since it launched in the summer?)
Passed on Undercovers and Nikita. Hellcats is awful. Pass on new FOX, CBS, NBC and ABC comedies.
Holding out on returning series CHUCK and LIFE UNEXPECTED getting full-season reprieves.
Still watching: Nikita, Hellcats (don't judge me!), Raising Hope, Running Wilde, Detroit 187 (odd, as I never watch cop shows, but I'm drawn to Michael I) & The Event.
However, I am giving The Event one more week. It's a little too 24 for me, and as much as I loved 24, I was done with it a couple of seasons ago. Plus, I get totally frustrated with lead characters who are 100% right about something and no one believes them. It makes me too anxious.
Still sad about Lone Star and the promise of My Generation. Seriously, has there ever been a worse ad campaign than the one for MG?
Dropped: None, I guess. I saw all the pilots, and the only one I thought about watching but didn't was H5O. That was one of my favorite pilots, but I wasn't inspired to watch again. I might tune in again.
BTW - I thought Blue Bloods was one of the worst pilots I saw, and that's saying a lot. The dialogue was cringe-worthy and the set-up was so been-there-done-that. Oooh - a family of cops. Oooh, Donnie Wahlberg is a detective who sometimes has to break the rules to get things done. Oooooh there may be some corruption in the family. Ooooh, there's a young, impressionable rookie who may have to make some tough choices. I don't think there was an original thought in this whole pilot, and yet it's doing better than most of the new shows. I just had to vent.
Like: The Event, I really hope it can pull out of it's nose dive and pull it together. Hellcats, I am not sure why but I can't get enough from The CW right now. Better with you, this would be a love if they dropped the laugh track and the young guy, as was stated above is a bit to over the top for me. Terriers, I need to see more before I love this one. Running Wilde, I really hope this one picks it up and stays around, I miss Arrested Development. Outsourced, people may dislike this one but I find it amusing and light. The Defenders, I have only seen one ep so far but I am a fan thus far.
Love: Nikita, it's not deep but it works for me. Hawaii Five-O, did not watch the original but I am digging the new one, could be because I thought Moonlight was canceled way to soon. No Ordinary Family, I like it's lite approach to this plus like I said, I am nerd so super heroes strike a cord with me. Boardwalk Empire, I wasn't sure at first but right now HBO can't do me wrong. Lost Girl, this one is simple the lead (Anna Silk) is extremely hot and the story is good enough to keep me waiting for next week. Raising Hope, this story is great it is a change of comedy style to my current list of shows.
I think I am going to pick up Blue Bloods, I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
Tried and 'bored now': "Undercovers" (a disgrace to the memory of "Alias"), "No Ordinary Family", H50
I must say that "Rubicon" has been the best new show I've seen in 2010, although not a "fall lineup" show.
I think Undercovers should be on later at night, it might seem better when I am tired, or at least I wouldn't have as much trouble suspending disbelief. It is very pretty to look at and the characters are interesting enough, wish I could put my finger on what it is...
Of course, BOARDWALK EMPIRE is must-see TV, and I've heard RUBICON is worth a look, though I haven't yet watched any eps.
My Tivo is collecting a few new shows. The only ones I'm caught up on are Nikita (bumped Fringe!), Undercovers (I keep hoping it will get better) and Outlaw (love Jimmy Smits, not so much the writing and plots). Next will try to get through Terriers and Boardwalk, but I'm not as big a fan as others here.
Still waiting to pass judgment on Hawaii 50 (love the cast) and No Ordinary Family. May end up deleting The Event without even watching.
Between the summer shows wrapping up and my returning shows, there's just not enough time to spend on shows that haven't grabbed me yet. Very sad crop this year.
Nikita's been a bit slow but I'll give it another week or two.
H50 is pleasantly fluffy, there's much worse ways to kill 42 mins in an evening.
Terriers is pretty good, kinda like Rockford Files for the 21st century but the format's adapated for a modern audience. Hope this one sticks around.
Really looking forward to The Walking Dead, but apart from that it's been a piss poor year for scripted shows.
Still with: Outsourced, although I think they're not exploiting the material as well as the movie did.
Check and pass: Blue Bloods, Detroit 187, H5O, Nikita
Archiving: The Event and Undercovers. The idea of these shows interests me but I'm not committing until I think they're sticking around.
- Terriers
- Raising Hope
- Boardwalk Empire
Watching but on the verge of deleting the season pass:
- Undercovers
Watched, but disliked:
- Detroit 1-8-7
- No Ordinary Family
- Rubicon (I understand this got better, but if you can't win me over in 3 hours, you're not for me)
I also really enjoyed Nikita, but I only have 1 DVR and the show is in the worst time slot imaginable - will probably watch online or wait for S1 to come out on DVD.
Tried Nikita, Running Wilde, Bleep My Dad Say, but nothing there. Also The Whole Truth, but heard rumors of cancelling and figured I wouldn't get invested. Hawaii Five-0 was just okay for me after 1st ep so stopped watching, and I still prefer Castle. I didn't ever catch The Event as it seemed like a Lost rip off.
That's it.
It's not Arrested Development, but Will Arnett remains funnier than almost anyone else ever.