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San Diego Comic-Con 2010: BBC Announces Lineup, No Doctor Who Panel

Where is the Doctor when you need him?

BBC Worldwide America has announced their lineup for next month's San Diego Comic-Con International, bringing back supernatural drama Being Human to the convention, along with cult comedy Look Around You, newly available on DVD Stateside this summer.

The big news, however, is that Doctor Who won't be returning to the convention this year, which means no fanfare and audience of thousands for new cast members Matt Smith and Karen Gillan and newly installed head writer/executive producer Steven Moffat.

"While the [Doctor Who] team is currently filming and unable to attend Comic-Con, that doesn’t mean the Doctor’s presence won’t be felt in San Diego," writes the production entity in an official statement. "BBC America will host an exclusive U.S. premiere fan screening of this season’s two-part finale, along with the all-new season opener of Being Human."

(For their part, the Doctor Who team will be hosting Doctor Who at the Proms in London on Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and London Philharmonic Choir and are therefore unavailable.)

Being Human, meanwhile, will present a panel on Friday evening at 6 pm, while Look Around You presents Thursday at 5 pm. Both will take place in Ballroom 6A.

Are you bummed that Smith and Co. won't be turning up at Comic-Con this year? Head to the comments to discuss.

The full press release from BBC Worldwide America/BBC America, announcing their Comic-Con programming slate (along with times and locations), can be found below.

-Exclusive screenings, panels, signings and Doctor Who exclusive merchandise-

New York, NY – June 23, 2010 – BBC returns to Comic-Con with a full line-up of panels, screenings, signings and exclusive merchandise at the BBC AMERICA booth (#3629).

BBC AMERICA’s hit sci-fi show Being Human, which follows three twenty-somethings living double lives as a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost, returns for an all-new U.S. premiere season the same weekend as Comic-Con. The Los Angeles Times declared, “Buffy fans - come out of the Twilight and sink your teeth into this import.” Creator/writer Toby Whithouse will join cast members Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow, Aidan Turner and Sinead Keenan on stage for a fan Q&A and signing at the BBC AMERICA booth (#3629). Being Human premieres on BBC AMERICA Saturday, July 24, directly following the Doctor Who season finale. Being Human: Season 1 DVD (DVD/Blu-ray) hits stores on July 20.

Matt Groening calls it “one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen.” The BAFTA-nominated Look Around You is a spoof comedy based on the unforgettable educational programs of the ‘70s. Created by and starring Robert Popper (Peep Show, Hot Fuzz) and Peter Serafinowicz (Couples Retreat, Shaun of the Dead), presenters Jack Morgan (Popper) and Peter Packard (Serafinowicz) bring the nonsensical wonders of science and a series of gloriously deadpan experiments to life as the show comes to BBC DVD. Peter and Robert will take fan Q&As at their panel as well as signing at the BBC AMERICA booth (#3629). Look Around You: Season 1 DVD goes on sale July 20.

Doctor Who, which delivered record ratings for BBC AMERICA, wraps on air the weekend of Comic-Con. While the team is currently filming and unable to attend Comic-Con, that doesn’t mean the Doctor’s presence won’t be felt in San Diego. BBC AMERICA will host an exclusive U.S. premiere fan screening of this season’s two-part finale, along with the all-new season opener of Being Human.

This year marks the first time contemporary Doctor Who exclusives have been available for sale at Comic-Con. Fans can purchase the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) figurine in burgundy shirt and suspenders and an Orange Dalek Scientist figurine as well as two show exclusive t-shirts designed especially for the event. Being Human t-shirts will also be available at the BBC AMERICA booth.


Thursday, July 22
2:30-3:30pm: Look Around You signing at the BBC AMERICA booth (#3629)

5:00–6:00pm Look Around You panel: As their BAFTA-nominated show comes to BBC DVD, creators-stars Robert Popper (Peep Show, Hot Fuzz) and Peter Serafinowicz (Couples Retreat, Shaun of the Dead), are on stage to take questions from the fans. Room 6A

8:00–11:00pm BBC AMERICA U.S. Premiere Screenings of Doctor Who and Being Human: Catch the all-new season opener of Being Human, written by Toby Whithouse and starring Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow, Aidan Turner and Sinead Keenan and the two-part finale of Doctor Who, written by Steven Moffat and starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. Room 6DE

Friday, July 23
2:00–3:00pm Being Human signing at the BBC AMERICA booth (#3629)

6:00–7:00pm Being Human panel: Creator/writer Toby Whithouse with cast members Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow, Aidan Turner and Sinead Keenan are on stage for a fan Q&A and exclusive inside peek to the new U.S. premiere season launching the same weekend as Comic-Con. Don’t miss the chance to get the inside secrets on the double-lives of a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost, joined this season by George’s friend Nina who has a mysterious secret of her own. Room 6A

About BBC Worldwide, America:
BBC Worldwide is the main commercial arm and wholly-owned subsidiary of the UK public broadcaster, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and maintains offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC, Miami, Rhode Island. The business brings together the seven core BBC Worldwide divisions: Channels, Content & Production, Sales & Distribution, Global Brands, Digital Media, Home Entertainment & Magazines. The highly acclaimed cable channel BBC America, now available in 67 million homes, and the smash hit Dancing with the Stars, produced by BBC Worldwide Productions are among the key brands in the region.


Chris Thorne said…
Heck yes I am bummed. This would have been a wonderful chance for the new Doctor & companion to introduce themselves to the US and really create a relationship.

A bunch of bags and some fliers doesn't replace the effect of a real appearance. the US market comes off as a second-tier market. This can be viewed as a real slight to the US viewers.
Heatherette said…
Oh no! That's really sad. I was hoping to see the new Doctor in person.
Tom said…
A slight to the US viewers? More like, the select bunch that pay the enormous fee to attend San Diego con and get into the panels before they're cordened off.

Smith, Gillan and Moffat spent a few weeks in New York as the new series was premiering, during the filming break. They're back at work now, it's pretty simple.

A slight to the US viewers? Really??? It's worth bearing in mind that there has never been a Doctor Who panel in the UK like the one Tennant and Davies did at San Diego last year (after filming had completely wrapped for them)...
Erik said…
Yeah, sad as I was really looking forward to seeing them all. However, the past few years when there has been a Doctor Who panel at Comic Con, it never included the people who were currently working on the show. Last year we had Russel, David and other members of the productuion team who were finished with it. The year before, we had Mr. Moffat but no Russell, as he was currently working on his final season.

So, yeah, sad but not at all surprised. Besides, if I had to choose between seeing them in a cavernous room or them making fantastic new episodes...I prefer them making fantastic new episodes. :-)
Laura said…
Well,they are at the BBC Proms in London, doing a children's prom (as they were in 2008). The proms are a series of classical concerts designed to be enjoyed by the people and rather marvellous. But how sad am I? Very. Why?
2009 I was living in London and at the children's prom and Doctor Who was at Comic-Con in San Diego.
2010 I am living in San Diego and going to Comic-Con and Doctor Who is at the Children's Prom in London.
Wrong continent, wrong year. Mmmmm makes me think of something that would happen to the Doctor. :-)
Laura said…
Oh, and cal me a skeptic but I don't think that Americans are going to get 'Look Around You' as it's a piss take of British 70's educational TV (or 'telly' as we like to call it in the UK) for children. If you didn't have to line up to go into the assembly hall and sit on benches looking at the clock count down to watch shows exactly like this as they were broadcast (this was pre-Betamax) then surely you won't get the joke. And when I say 'exactly like this', I mean in style, colouring, presentation and content - although the content was factual rather than made-up!

I do get the joke but even then, IMHO, it's only *sort of* funny and only *for a few minutes*; in essence, it's more clever than funny.

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