Don't shoot the messenger, though. As I said on Twitter earlier this morning, with no new episode of Lost on tonight, I feel like my whole week is off-kilter.
It's making me crabby and slightly anxious. Not in a nutty, constructing-a-squirrel-baby-out-of-bones-and-fur sort of way but it's an odd sensation when we're this close to the series finale.
Tuesday evenings have become a must-see night of television, between Lost, V, Glee, Justified, The Good Wife, Survivors and a slew of others and the highlight for me is definitely Lost, particularly with so few installments remaining before the drama series sails off into the sunset... or explodes with the heat of 1000 suns.
But no new Lost tonight makes Tuesday seem a little less special in my heart. Sure, we'll soon have to deal with a television landscape that is entirely devoid of Lost (as will fans of FOX's 24), but the world just seems more interesting with Lost it... and the rest of the work week a hell of a lot more exciting with a brand-new episode of Lost to theorize over, dissect, and deconstruct with friends.
I'll have to get used to not having that soon enough, but in the meantime, I can't help but wonder why Lost decided to break the momentum now and not, say, two weeks earlier, leaving us with the strengths of "Happily Ever After" to keep us content?
I'm curious to see what you think. Are you bummed that there's no new Lost tonight? Or are you relieved that you won't have to mentally juggle your candidates and recruits and metaphysical theorizing for one week? Discuss.
Next week on Lost ("The Candidate"), Jack's suspicions about Locke make his decision more difficult after he is asked to complete a difficult task.
This also came to mind--how do Sun and Locke come to be at the hospital the same time. She gets shot on what clearly seems to be the day after they've arrived in LA. Whereas Locke seems well established in his new substitute teaching job. . .
Already saw tonight's Glee a few weeks back (the weakest ep so far this season), so will be looking for something else to distract me tonight. But need to catch up on some screeners, so the perfect opportunity!
Maybe you all should head over to the LostPedia and read about every episode this last season so far. I am sure you will find new details and insight before the last installments air.
cheers fellow addicts!
Geronimo Jack's Beard is a Lost Podcast Blog created by Jorge Garcia (Hurley) and girlfriend Bethany James Leigh Shady (aka Sidekick22)
The podcast's principal conceit is that it provides Garcia and Shady's reactions to the scripts as they were delivered rather than to the finished episodes. Garcia and Shady occasionally read short passages of description directly from the scripts, providing insights not otherwise available.
cheers again!