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Televisionary Turns Four Years Old!

Happy birthday!

Televisionary is four years old. I want to thank all of you loyal readers (and fellow couch potatoes) out there who have made this site the success that it is today.

When I first started Televisionary back in February of 2006, it was to have a place separate from my television job where I could share my views on television programming, discuss recent episodes and news, and showcase some off-the-beaten-path series alongside the more mainstream series that we all know and love.

It started off way back when as a little slice of the web where I could express my thoughts to a few dozen readers who dropped by each day, but Televisionary has blossomed, over the last four years, into something much bigger than I ever dared dream.

I left the television industry (thanks to an ill-timed pink slip) and have been focusing on writing full-time the last year or so. If it had not been for Televisionary, I certainly wouldn't have landed contributing writer gigs with The Daily Beast and the Los Angeles Times/Show Tracker and I've continued to write for all three on a variety of television-related topics.

I hope that I've been able to offer you my honest thoughts about television programming and share my passion and love for this medium while entertaining, informing, and maybe even coercing you into watching some series you might not have watched otherwise.

So please join me in raising a glass of champagne (and your remote) and toasting four great years of Televisionary and, hopefully, many more to come.


K said…
Congrats! and keep up the good work!
Unknown said…
Congratulations Jace!
Andrew said…
Congrats! Happy blogiversary!
Unknown said…
Bonne Blogiversaire! :+)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! I read this blog on a daily basis. It's a great blog and you do great work. Thanks!!
Annie said…
Congratulations! Very well deserved. Televisionary has been my fave TV blog for years.
The CineManiac said…
Congrats Jace! 4 years is an eternity in blog time! Keep up the good work, and we'll keep devouring it day by day!
Michele said…
Congratulations, and thanks for all the great posts!
kat said…
Congratulations. You are a gifted writer and I really enjoy your insights.
Tempest said…
So, in honor of this festive occasion, should we all stay home and watch our favorite Televisionary shows? Sounds like an excellent reason for a Chuck marathon . . .

Bella Spruce said…
Congrats! I don't know what I'd do without Televisionary. I'd be lost in a sea of Real Housewives and CSI spin offs. Thanks for all of the wonderful work that you do!
Anonymous said…
Many congrats. I love the blog and hope you are in a position to share your insights with us for years to come.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I LOVE your blog. You are always right on the money with your commentary and we like the same shows. I read your big love posts out loud to my husband after each episode. It's become a tradition. Thanks!
jen said…
Congratulations! I really enjoy your blog -- great work!
Little Junkie said…
Congratulations! That was fast. I read your site everyday. Love it!!
Unknown said…
Congrats to you, my tv guru!
Vlada said…
Congrats! Here's to many more years of Televisionary!
CrazyCris said…
abbytaz said…
A toast to you Jace and your entertaining website. Many happy years of blogging.
Anonymous said…
I actually created my own food TV sound off blog but after coming across Televisionary, I deleted it and decided to just read yours. Congrats!
Barbara said…
I've said this before on comments I've left: your commentaries are never less than insightful, sensitive and thought provoking. I can't think of a more enjoyable place to sit around and shoot the breeze about what interests me most, TV. Keep writing and we will keep reading.

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