You read my advance review of the pilot episode of ABC's sci-fi series V but now that the series has launched, I'm curious to see what all of you thought of the first episode. (You can also read my post-air thoughts on the first episode of V over at the Los Angeles Times/Show Tracker site.)
Did you love the arrival scene where the Visitors descended on Earth and then broadcast their message of "hope" and "peace"? Did you think that Elizabeth Mitchell made a kick-ass FBI agent and single mom? Happy to (nearly) see a reunion between former Firefly co-stars Alan Tudyk and Morena Baccarin? Enjoying the Vs' use of propaganda and devotion in their arsenal? Liking the updated elements, such as the sleeper cells, human resistance force, and the fact that the Vs have been on Earth for decades already? Were you surprised by the reptilian reveal behind two characters' fleshy facades? Curious about the Vs' master plan?
And, most importantly, will you tune in again next week?
Talk back here.
Next week on V ("There Is No Normal Anymore"), Erica and Father Jack find themselves being tracked by a "Seeker" from the V's; Chad, thinking he blew it for 80 million viewers with his exclusive first interview with Anna, looks to pick himself up and becomes more investigative in his next newscast; Dale Maddox's wife and law enforcement begin questioning Erica about his whereabouts.
I love the dynamic between Chad and Anna. That scene where Anna turns her head to look back at him after their brief encounter was just WOW. I can’t decide if she ‘wants’ to kiss or kill him. I’ll be tuning in to see what Chad decides to do from here on out. Will he choose to fight back for his integrity or will he continue to compromise for the sake of his own career?
I also want to see what happens with Erica and her son. You can definitely see a rift forming between the two. Can Erica save her son before it’s too late?
Sidebar: I recorded the re-airing of the original pilot, but I doubt I'll watch the whole thing. Cheesy dialog, bad hair, cheap sets. Yikes. It was great back then though.
I'll tune in again for sure.
i did find the obvious parallels with our recent political environment quite intriguing. (hope? change? universal healthcare? blind devotion of the young and impressionable?)
Also, why did the group just leave the alien bodies there? Without the bodies as proof, you're just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists.
Leaving the bodies bugged me, too. With all the cell phones, why didn't someone take a video and post it on YouTube??