Head over to the Los Angeles Times/Show Tracker site where you can read my write-up of last night's episode of V (entitled "V: The way of the gun") and weigh in on the twists from last night's episode.
Did the four episodes live up to your expectations? Will you be tuning in when the series returns with its back nine episodes?
Be sure to head to the comments section to discuss the latest installment and what you think will happen when V returns from his hiatus in the spring.
V returns to the ABC schedule in March 2010.
Also, as for the 5th column, don't the Vs know who they sent to Earth and who has checked in and who hasn't since they arrived? Therefore, can't they assume anyone who hasn't checked in is suspect and track them down -- I would think they would know who is a V and who isn't given how coordinated they seem to be and how calculated they say Anna is. Like, wouldn't they know that Morris Chestnut has gone rogue and track him down to his house? It's these kind of questions that if they don't get answered I'll tune out pretty fast.
All sci-fi showrunners should take a page from Lost... don't ask a question if you don't have an answer. You can't have a good sci-fi show that lasts without being smart.