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Los Angeles Times: "V: Ignorance is bliss"

What did you think of last night's episode of ABC's V, the series' third?

Head over to the Los Angeles Times/Show Tracker site to read my take on last night's episode ("A Bright New Day"), written by Diego Gutierrez and Christine Roum, and discuss just what you thought of this week's installment.

Personally, I thought it was a huge step up in terms of quality over last week's slightly lackluster installment and ramped up the tension and drama while also giving us some very intriguing plot twists... which I won't reveal here.

Would be curious to know what people thought, especially if you were at all on the fence about V after last week. So talk back either here or at the LA Times!

Next week on the fall finale of V ("It's Only the Beginning"), Erica works with the Fifth Column to uncover a biological threat they suspect the Visitors have been plotting; Anna meets with a special guest while overseeing the investigation into the murder of a V; Chad does a segment on the V Healing Centers, demonstrating their amazing medical abilities, but then finds himself conflicted by some of his findings.


SamSee said…
I thought last night's episode was better but I think they can push it even further in terms of character and story. It's very good but not great and it definitely has the potential to be great.
Eldritch said…
"Chad does a segment on the V Healing Centers, demonstrating their amazing medical abilities..."

Why do aliens from outer space always seem to understand human medicine and human psychology better than humans? Wouldn't lizard physiology teach them an incompatible kind of medicine?
Unknown said…
I'm embarrassed that I didn't figure Lisa to be Anna's daughter. (My 12yo son says he did though--back in the first ep.)

I think "reconnection" refers to a sort of hive mind, and the "bliss" is the warm-fuzzy you get when you're connected. But I'm probably way off.

At some point, I'm going to want some more details of why the Visitors are here. Do they want feldspar and water or what?
Eep² said…
If you recall, in the original V series, humans were to be the vistor's food and water was to replenish their planet...or something absurd like that. I doubt the remake will stray far from that. Ripping off a cross between the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation and later, and The Matrix, is just what happens when writers can't think up anything original. When in doubt, mix previously told stories and hope the audience's memory is too short to disect it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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