I've been talking about FlashForward for nearly a year now since my initial review of the series' pilot script back in November to my recent advance review of the first episode. But now that the series has launched, I'm curious to see just what you thought of FlashForward and its prospects for success.
Were you lured in by the mystery of the global blackout and the flashforwards experienced by the main characters? Did you compare it to Lost or do you see the two series as distinct and separate entities? Do you think that FlashForward is a worthy successor to the mythology-based Lost in any event?
Did you find Joseph Fiennes a compelling series lead or was he lacking in charisma? Are you intrigued by the characters' backstories? Did you find the dialogue realistic or clunky? Was there a bit too much exposition in the opening hour? What do you make of the twist ending? What's up with that kangaroo, which producers have said is a "thing"?
And, most importantly, will you come back next week and watch another episode?
Talk back here.
Next week on FlashForward (""White to Play"), Mark and Demetri head to Utah to track down a suspect who may be connected to the global blackout; Olivia comes face-to-face with the man from her vision; Mark and Olivia's daughter, Charlie, has trouble dealing with the aftermath of her flashforward.
To keep up with the latest about the show, join FlashForward on Facebook: http://bit.ly/4vneT4
My only question is how this show is going to make it over one season, the flash forward is only 6 moths ahead. So i'm already questioning if i be back for next season, but i will watch next week.
The only thing i will not like to fly the airline in the billboard ad. ;-)
Granted I'm a fan of the Sawyer novel, so my expectations were a bit high, but I found the pilot to be really lifeless and overdone.
I blame the unimaginative script and David Goyer's B-movie sensibilities as a director. I'm surprised ABC allowed him to direct the pilot given its importance and his mediocre track record as a director (Blade III, The Unborn, Threshold). The performances were all over the place, too many scenes were contrived and on the nose, the dialogue unconvincing, and worst of all there was just no sense of story pacing. The whole ep felt like the opening catastrophe, with one scene piling into the next like cars in a traffic accident.
I found it interesting to go back and reread Jace's script review (from way back when) after the fact. Seems like every problem that existed in the script was actually exacerbated in the final product instead of avoided or improved upon.
ABC needs to just stop trying to find the next LOST. All these second-rate imitations are becoming a genre unto itself.
Yes, the script was all over the place, and yes, it's somewhat unavoidable since we're dealing with time "travel." But still, the director must be able to find a way to make it smoother.
Still, we enjoyed it, and I'm hopeful that the writers will hit their stride and polish this rough gem.
I thought it was well-made and had a good cast. As a huge fan of Braga/Goyer (Threshold, 24, Voyager, Blade III, etc.) I came in with high hopes. And they were pretty much met.
The most human dilemma was the one faced by Olvia (will she cheat on her husband?) and that was the one that stayed with me most, after the closing credits.
The cliff-hanger was good, too. Definitely want to see what was going on (during that 2mins17sec) so I guess I'll be around for the rest of the season.
I find the idea that everyone had the same "flash forward" to the same point in time - and some didn't "see" anything - intriguing. There is alot that can be done with this concept, so I'm interested to see how it plays out.
Yes, I've added the series to my DVR schedule.