Below you'll find the trailer for the next Doctor Who special featuring David Tennant, entitled "The Waters of Mars." The trailer doesn't spoil anything for "Planet of the Dead," so don't worry if you haven't yet seen the Russell T. Davies and Gareth Roberts-scripted special from last weekend. What "The Waters of Mars" does offer is a glimpse at what promises to be a spine-tingling Doctor Who episode that likely will feature more terror than humor next time around.
"The Waters of Mars," written by Russell T. Davies and Phil Ford, will star David Tennant and Rome's Lindsay Duncan. It's expected to air sometime in November on BBC One, just prior to the final two interlocking Doctor Who specials featuring David Tennant's Tenth Doctor, which are slated to air at Christmas and New Year's on the channel.
The next Doctor Who special, entitled "The Waters of Mars," will air later this year on BBC One.
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I finally got to watch "Planet of the Dead" - Fantastic! Loved Michelle Ryan's character. Her "Lady" she would make a terrific full time companion. I hope we get to see her again soon.