By now, you've read my original review for Ashes to Ashes, written in February 2008 when the series first launched in the UK, and my recent second take on the darkly seductive series, after watching the whole first season.
But, now that Ashes to Ashes has aired Stateside, I am curious to know what you thought of the first episode of the sequel to Life on Mars. Are you head over heels in love with Keeley Hawes' steely-nerved Alex Drake? Are you alternately terrified and intrigued by the Pierrot clown? How awesome is Gene Hunt in the 1980s? And what's your theory on what's happened to Alex... and how does it connect to the fate of poor Sam Tyler?
(And before you ask: the song playing at the very end of the episode? It's Roxy Music's "Same Old Scene.")
Talk back here.
Next week on Ashes to Ashes, Gene Hunt is determined to keep a protest about the Docklands redevelopment under control as the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana quickly approaches, while Alex falls for a De Lorean-driving playboy.
The sense of urgency, the duality of the 'cases' vs 'last moments' were all handled really well and, to cap it all, it was just total entertainment.
The fact I grew up in England in the 80s might prejudice me to like this more than those that didn't but I really think it is excellent TV.
It is a shame the the American version of LOM has gotten the ax, but at least there will be closure.
Keeley Hawes? I didn't have a clue to who she was until last night...and I can't get her off of my mind! ASHES TO ASHES is just creepy enough to keep you coming back for more (for those of us who have a yen for creepiness).
A great show. I hope the BBC will keep cranking out new episodes for years to come.