By now you've not only read my advance review of the first two episodes of Stylista but had a chance to catch the premiere episode yourself.
So I'm curious to know: what did you think? Did you fall for Stylista's charms or did you think it was too much of a reality version of Devil Wears Prada? Did you think that Elle magazine editor Anne Slowey was out-bitched by contestant Megan? How much longer can Kate (a.k.a. "Boobs") last in this competition with seemingly every other participant rooting against her? And the biggest question of all: will you tune in again next week?
Talk back here.
Next week on Stylista ("Hidden Gems"), the editor wannabes are tasked with dressing mannequins using specific fashion points and are also separated into teams and asked to find a "hidden gem" in Chinatown and write it up for the magazine.
But you know how uncomfortable I get when there is massive bullying going on. At first, my heart was breaking for Kate, but her attitude in the second half didn't help her cause.
And since when aren't boobs ok to show in fashion? :)
I truly despise Megan. She just seems like that spoiled, self-entitled type who will never have the self-awareness to realize how cruel she is. And for me, as a reality show villain, she isn't that interesting because she is so cruel.
I am rooting for Ashlie, so far, and that one girl who was on Ashlie's team, with the partly shaved do.