This week, I took an early look at the first three episodes of Season Two of ABC's Pushing Daisies and loved what I saw. I also took an early look at the new pilot for ABC's Life on Mars remake and was less than thrilled once again.
I was thrilled to talk about the Pushing Daisies season premiere with viewers and cannot wait for the Wonderfalls/Pushing Daisies crossover! I also was beyond happy to have Dirty Sexy Money back on the airwaves again, praised FOX for wisely picking up a full season of Fringe, and bemoaned the fact that Kenley is still in the running on Project Runway.
Elsewhere in the sophisticated TV-obsessed section of the blogosphere, members of the TV Blog Coalition were discussing the following items...
- Buzz visited the Pie Hole of Pushing Daisies and found it even more scrumptious in person. (BuzzSugar)
- Daemon's TV took part in a Q&A with Amanda Tapping about her new show, Sanctuary. (Daemon's TV)
- GMMR is begging & pleading with all of you to please watch PUSHING DAISIES. It's the best show only 6M of you are watching. A newbie? I will personally bring you up to speed. Just call. (Give Me My Remote)
- Marcia decided to streamline her viewing schedule and actually watch less TV. No one is more shocked than she is. (Pop Vultures)
- Rae's kinda in love with Chuck Bartowski and she doesn't care who knows it. (RTVW)
- Is Pushing Daisies continuing its buzz (extremely cheesy pun intended) from last season or falling victim of a sophomore slump, a look at the season premiere. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
- Vance is currently drooling over the hot Top 20 dancers on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. (Tapeworthy)
- I can haz McDreamy? Dan finally stopped worrying about thinking of things to say about Grey's Anatomy and launched his first series of LOLGreys. (TiFaux)
- This week, the TV Addict wondered why more Browncoats aren't tuning in to Summer Glau on TERMINATOR THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES (the TV Addict)
- Kate realized that Battlestar Galactica is her sad lonely spinster Friday night show of choice. Good luck to The Ex Files, though. (TV Filter)