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Televisionary 2.0 Launches

Welcome to Televisionary Version 2.0!

After two and a half years and nearly 1500 posts (yes, you read that correctly: 1500 posts!), I figured that Televisionary was definitely in need of a nice fresh coat of paint.

While the bones of the site remain intact, I hope that the new layout and navigation tools allow an ease of use that may have been missing from the site's last version. An embedded search box to the right will sort through all posts from the last two and a half years, an email subscription link (along with the site's feed) can be found just below the masthead, tabs make navigating the site's pages even easier, and the daily features What's On Tonight and What I'm Watching can now be found--rather than at the bottom of the first post of the day--in the sidebar at the right.

I'd love to hear what you think of the new layout and design, so talk back here and let me know your thoughts.


Melissa said…
Looks good Jace. I like how you have more content without having to scroll down.
Anonymous said…
Looks very polished, and we already know about the quality content.

Random thoughts:

-- Nice logo but maybe a bit too much screen real estate given over to it?
-- Moving what's on and what I'm watching out of the main posts is good, but what that means you've pushed Blog Archive and Recent Posts way down. I'm wondering whether a button at the top to pull those up on their own page might not be a bad idea. Might also improve load time as well, takes a while for the right pane to fill out.
-- the recent comments is too narrow/small to show enough of a comment to know what it is actually about. Speaking of comments, thought about using something like Disqus to manage them?
-- also, a request. Any chance of a full feed? By all means include ads.
McD said…
I really like the "What's On Tonight" and the "What I'm Watching Tonight" on the side instead of in a post. Great revamp!
The CineManiac said…
I like it!
Anonymous said…
I love the new look! It's great having the What's On Tonight and What I'm Watching on the side so they are easy to find. Stylish and very user friendly!
Unknown said…
Ditto what mcd said! :)
Unknown said…
This seems like a cleaner and easier-to-read design.

I like having What's-On and What-I'm-Watching in a sidebar.

I agree that the logo is too tall, especially combined with the ad below it. That's almost half the height of my 1280x1024 screen.

I think the extra border in each post creates too much visual tension because there's a main border, a section border, and an article border. Then What Next also has a border (and some duplicate links, such as Digg This).

I'd like to see the "main" content area take up more of my browser's width. There seem to be a few hundred pixels going to waste (at 1280x1024), and that forces the Archives to be very narrow.

Recent Comments is pretty far down and probably won't be discovered.

Categories is rather populated, which makes the page too long.

The Advertising section is empty.
Jace Lacob said…
Thanks to all for the comments. I will definitely take them on board as I move forward with the redesign/relaunch.

To respond to a few salient points:

--Recent Comments has been moved closer to the top into a wider sidebar and I've redone the script there to display post title, author, and date, along with expandable full comments.
--Terraling: looked into using something like Disqus but didn't want to force people to sign up for third-party services in order to comment.
--Will look at reducing the masthead a little to accommodate more content on the front-load.
--Considering full feed though I have expanded the post teases for each post in the feed itself.

Hope that helps!

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