Sure, Lost is represented with the inclusion of both Michael Emerson and Naveen Andrews, but I thought for sure that, after his brilliant performance this season on Lost as John Locke/Jeremy Bentham, O'Quinn would end up on that shortlist, if not walking off with a full-blown nomination, especially after a storyline that not only gave O'Quinn a chance to shine but also reasserted his character at the forefront of the series' labyrinthine storyline.
Hell, it was his bravura performance at the end of the series' fourth season as alternately fragile/strong Locke that made me fall in love with the character all over again and the man did win the 2007 supporting actor award with good reason.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Andrews and Emerson make it onto the final ballot but I can't help but feel stung after the exclusion of O'Quinn. Sure, I'm thrilled that Ted Danson, Zeljko Ivanek, Bruce Dern, and John Slattery on are on the shortlist, but Medium's Jake Weber? Really???
Color me confused.
I do hope they give him a lot more to do next two seasons. Cut into the enormous about of screen time they give to Ben and they should have plenty left over for Locke.
Locke may not have had as much to do this season but his relationship with Ben towards the end of the season was completely fascinating to me and both of the actors played beautifully off each other and I think they both deserve recognition.
Jake Weber - really?!?
Side note - is it just me or does the releasing of all these top 10 lists take the excitement out of nomination day?