This week, I celebrated Tina Fey's "bitch is the new black routine" on Saturday Night Live, cheered when Sam and Jacqui got the boot on Last Restaurant Standing, admitted how I learned to stop worrying and love Gossip Girl, and took a penultimate look at the remaining contestants in Project Runway 4.
I also discovered that my constant was none other than Lost. But you all knew that already.
Elsewhere in the sophisticated TV-obsessed section of the blogosphere, members of the TV Blog Coalition were discussing the following items...
- Buzz picked out some favorite TV catchphrases. If you disagree, we'll have to hug it out. (BuzzSugar)
- Eric wondered who your Constant is after watching this week's episode of LOST. (Daemon's TV)
- Mikey suggests some great, middle-aged TV alums for Psych to consider casting now that Shawn needs a mom for the upcoming third season. (Mikey Likes TV)
- Plattie praised the BBC's Being Human, which features a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost and yet somehow lacks a full series order. (Pop Vultures)
- Rae wants you to help her create the perfect “Memorable TV Moments” mix-tape. (RTVW)
- If Tom Arnold channeling David Hasselhoff doesn't get you to watch the new season of Dirt, Scooter just doesn't know what will. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
- Because Vance is so shallow, he analyzes the boys chances for winning/surviving American Idol(/beating David Archuleta) based on their hairdo's in a week where he shamelessly celebrates the hotties to watch for. (Tapeworthy)
- Welcome to the Captain is the best little show you're probably not watching -- so says Dan. (TiFaux)
- This week, the TV Addict proposed to NBC President Ben Silverman that he actually re-make a show people care about. Meaning, it's time for THE WEST WING: The Next Generation. (the TV Addict)
- Raoul interviewed Yau-Man from Survivor. (TV Filter)