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Casting Couch: Shelton to Guard Sewell in "Eleventh Hour"

CBS has locked its female lead for drama pilot Eleventh Hour, starring Rufus Sewell as a special science adviser to the government who, along with his female bodyguard, protects the world from abuses of science (read: cloning, super-viruses, etc.)

So who did they get to play Rachel, the fierce female bodyguard who stoically protects Hood from the forces of evil and, well, himself? Why, Marley Shelton (Grindhouse).

While the one time Never Been Kissed star may seem like an odd choice to play a gruff and sensible bodyguard, remember that the role was played in the original British limited series by Ashley Jensen (Ugly Betty), who might also seem like a bit of a stretch in the role. (And yet it worked quite well, in fact.)

The project, produced by Warner Bros Television and Granada, is under consideration for a series order at CBS.

Also at CBS, the network has announced that Britney Spears will guest star on an upcoming episode of comedy How I Met Your Mother. Ouch.

What's On Tonight

8 pm: NCIS (CBS); Biggest Loser (NBC; 8-10 pm); Beauty and the Geek (CW); Just for Laughs/Just for Laughs (ABC); American Idol (FOX; 8-10 pm)

9 pm: Big Brother 9 (CBS); One Tree Hill (CW); According to Jim/Carpoolers (ABC)

10 pm: Jericho (CBS); Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC); Primetime: What Would You Do? (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

8 pm: Beauty and the Geek.

Is it really the start of the fifth season? (My god, how time flies.) On tonight's season opener ("Beauties vs. Geeks"), the game gets another unlikely twist: this time around, the beauties will compete as a team against the geeks. Sigh. Really?

9 pm: Last Restaurant Standing on BBC America.

On the sixth episode of this addictive British import, Jeremy and Jane, Grant and Laura, and Tom and Nicola face the challenge of their lives: they must host gourmet evenings with local produce and offer entertainment celebrating local history. Some end up encountering difficulties sourcing seasonal ingredients (really?) and others decide to break the rules...


The CineManiac said…
Seriously Brittney Spears?!?!?! I Love HIMYM, but as GOB would say "COME ON!!!"
It's already cost the show quite a bit, with Alicia Silverstone dropping out after the announcement, and her role being recast with Sarah Chalke after being reduced from a multi-episode arc to a one episode story.
All I can say is BOOOO!!!!
Anonymous said…
I can't say I am too thrilled w/the new BATG twist, either, but we shall see....

I like Marley Shelton. Still have no interest in the show.
Anonymous said…
Oh no - I totally glossed over the HIMYM news (subconscious slight?), and then I saw Cinemaniac's note. Ugh!!!! No!!!!
Anonymous said…
I cannot picture Marley Shelton in this role at all. What's she going to do? Scratch the bad guy's eyes out? She might break a nail.
Anonymous said…
Britney Spear? wait a sec. i can't believe this
Anonymous said…
i am a real life fbi agent and i cant belive a model is playing one of us she looks like the ones we have to rescue how can she protect him when she cant protect herself i bet she does not even know what end the of the gun the bullet comes out of i will not be watching this it makes real fbi agents look bad!

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