Were you as bored to tears as I was? Did you valiantly fight against the embrace of sleep? Did you think that lead Justin Bruening (as the spawn of Michael Knight himself, Mike Tracer) was so wooden that he made a redwood look positively animated by comparison and that he and Deanna Russo had no chemistry together whatsoever?
And were you so disappointed by a lifeless Val Kilmer as artificially intelligent car KITT that you (A) wished you could have gotten to hear Will Arnett channel GOB Bluth and purr "Michael" in his gravely voice and (B) hoped Arnett knew how very lucky he was to escape this showcase of mediocrity from director Steve Shill?
(Still you know that Silverman will be so chuffed with the numbers from last night that he's just itching to hand out a series order as quickly as possible.)
Talk back here.
And Kilmer is a waste of time as a boorish KITT, seriously bring back William Daniels, the original voice. He'd have been far better than Kilmer.
Sometimes at night I cry about Arnett giving up the role.
Looking back, the original show was pretty cheesy, but what made it worthwhile was the chemistry of David Hasselhoff, William Daniels, and Edward Mulhare.
I read that the pilot was written in 12 days, and it showed. I really couldn't care about the plot, and fell asleep on the couch during the second hour.
It's hard to fathom what the execs are thinking about when they bring this kind of crud to the table.
I am going to consult w/my friend Mike, who is a KR FAN (capital F, capital A, capital N). He's on message boards, buys KR stuff on ebay, etc. Curious to hear his take...