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David Milch Scores Another Pilot at HBO

David Milch is pacting with HBO yet again, this time with a gritty drama pilot set in the world of 1970s cops at the pay cabler.

HBO has ordered a pilot for Last of the Ninth, which revolves around a young detective who returns home from Vietnam to encounter a police department that is encumbered with corruption, near bankruptcy, and under attack.

Milch completed writing on the pilot script prior to the writer's strike with former NYPD homicide detective Bill Clark, who worked with Milch on NYPD Blue and John From Cincinnati.

Production on Last of the Ninth's pilot, which is Milch's first work for the cabler since the cancellation of John From Cincinnati last year, is expected to begin after the strike is resolved.

What's On Tonight

8 pm: Ghost Whisperer (CBS); 1 vs. 100 (NBC); Friday Night SmackDown (CW; 8-10 pm); Grey's Anatomy (ABC);
Bones (FOX)

9 pm: Moonlight (CBS); Friday Night Lights (NBC); Desperate Housewives (ABC);
House (FOX)

10 pm: NUMB3RS (CBS);
Las Vegas (NBC); 20/20 (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

8-11 pm: BBC America.

If you happen to be staying in after a long work week, why not do it in true Anglophile style with back-to-back episodes of Coupling and The Catherine Tate Show?


Honestly, I don't get the hype around Milch. I could never get into Deadwood and I thought John from Cincinnati was just plain terrible. People vehemently defended the show but then seemed to lose interest or, if they stuck with it, became disenchanted by it in the end. I appreciate that he's daring and trying to do original work but I have yet to be impressed.

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