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StrikeWatch: Day 11

It's Day 11 of the WGA strike and there's still no sign of resolution to the strike as we inch towards the Thanksgiving holiday. Strike-related activities will cease on Tuesday as Hollywood shuts down for the holiday.

Writers should have something to be thankful for, namely an overwhelming public support for the strike, even though the studios haven't yet given them what they deserve. Maybe since they've been nice, a resolution to the issues on the table will come in time for Christmas/Hannukah. (Just a thought.)

Speaking of that public support, a pair of studies released yesterday (conducted by Pepperdine University and SurveyUSA respectively) showed that public sympathy during this battle definitely falls with the writers. 69 percent of those polled in the Pepperdine study and 63 percent in the SurveyUSA poll were in support of the writers' cause. The studios fared far worse, with only 4 percent and 8 percent of those polled (respectively) in support.

There are still no signs of any new talks between the WGA and the AMPTP, though AMPTP chief Nick Counter did drop the condition that the WGA would have to cease striking in order for negotiation talks to begin again. So a minor bit of progress on that front... or just another attempt to further stall as there is still no timetable in place to restart talks? You decide.

Meanwhile, it appears that the DGA--whose contracts are up at the end of June--will begin negotiations now, following their typical six-month lead on talks.

Over at United Hollywood, Ali LeRoi, showrunner/creator of the CW's Everybody Hates Chris, has coined a new slogan for the writers' DVD issue in this video: "You Want to Take DVD Money from a Little Black Girl."

The Oregonian's Peter Ames Carlin has written a provocative editorial piece about the writers' strike, "When Will We Feel TV's Hand in Our Pockets," in which he finds a thematic connection between the studios' wanton disregard for the creative community and that of cable companies' treatment of local customers:
"[T]his is not a sustainable kind of industry. Strip-mining never is. And as the FCC's newfound interest in the cable providers' unsettling rate hikes and market domination -- the regulators may actually allow for competition in the cable business -- makes clear, the end can come suddenly.

Networks, producers, take heed. When the factory noise overwhelms the dreams you're producing, the next sound you hear will be your customers leaving."
Elsewhere, Monday's themed rally is for the assistants and below-the-line personnel who have lost their jobs during the strike; idea is for those who have been laid off due to the strike to come out to show their support of the writers' cause as well as for the writers to show their appreciation for the sacrifices that have been made by below-the-line staffers and assistants. (Several studios and agencies have sent assistants packing.) Or as the release succinctly phrased it, "For writers, this is a chance for us to celebrate the assistants and “below-the-line” employees, and to recognize them for the sacrifices they’re being forced to make as we fight for a fair deal."

Stay tuned.

What's On Tonight

8 pm: Survivor: China (CBS); My Name is Earl/30 Rock (NBC); Smallville (CW); Ugly Betty (ABC); Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? (FOX)

9 pm: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CBS); The Office/Scrubs (NBC); Supernatural (CW); Grey's Anatomy (ABC); Don't Forget the Lyrics (FOX)

10 pm: Without a Trace (CBS); ER (NBC); Women's Murder Club (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

8 pm: Ugly Betty.

On tonight's episode ("I See Me, I.C.U."), Henry works overtime to get Betty something she needs, with the help of Mode's weekend receptionist (guest star Mo'Nique), Wilhelmina must devise a new plan after the events of last week's wedding, and Betty tries to repair her relationship with Daniel.

8:30 pm: 30 Rock.

On tonight's episode ("Somebody to Love"), Jack begins an unexpected relationship with a Democratic congresswoman (guest star Edie Falco) after meeting her a cocktail party; Liz begins to suspect her Middle Eastern neighbor is a terrorist.

9 pm: The Office.

It's a little sad to think that tonight's episode will be the last installment of The Office until the strike ends. On tonight's episode ("The Deposition"), Michael is deposed as a witness when Jan sues Dunder-Mifflin for wrongful termination and Kelly puts Pam down after new boyfriend Darryl trounces Jim at ping-pong. Consider it a mini-season finale for now, albeit without a cliffhanger or resolution.

10 pm: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on FX.

Season Three of FX's hilariously subversive comedy It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia concludes tonight. On tonight's season finale ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"), Charlie mistakenly puts Paddy's bar up as the grand prize in a dance marathon competition, leading the gang to have to compete in order to keep the bar.


Anonymous said…
OMG - that Ali LeRoi video is hilarious.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad they're taking time to acknowledge the people who have been laid off due to the strike. I support the writers' cause but was laid off when the show I worked on went black and, frankly, it sucks.

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