Now that you've seen the pilot episodes of both series, what were your reactions to both series?
And how did my original advance reviews of the pilots (found here for Chuck and here for Journeyman respectively) live up to the hype? Which series has joined your TiVo Season Pass list and which, well, has fallen right off of it?
Discuss in brutal and/or glowing terms right here.
I'll watch again, because I am interested- but I wasn't blown away.
I've already added it to my TiVo Season Pass!
As for Journeyman, I really enjoyed the pilot, it's not fantastic, but it was fun and entertaining. I liked that his wife is now in on, otherwise it might have gotten old trying to explain to her. Didn't see the old dead ex surprise coming at all, those to things really sold me on the show.
Journeyman was confusing. My husband and I didn't have a problem with the time-travel since we watch a lot of sci-fi. However, they breezed past so many elements of Dan's life that we felt like we started watching a movie in the middle. I agree with Melissa Anne that certain parts should have had more impact.
Also, I didn't find the actors who played Dan and his wife appealing at all. The brother looked like he should be the lead. Of course, they may grow on me. I thought that the actors in Kyle XY looked like some lucky folks who got pulled out of the extras pool, but I love them now :-).
Journeyman has potential but could go either way. Kevin McKidd is a strong lead and the premise is interesting but the twists and turns have to have more of an impact to keep the audience invested. I'll definitely tune in to the second episode, though.
I liked Journeyman. It was a little cheesy but it definitely has potential.
I went into Journeyman expecting it to be bad, so I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the acting and the cinematography were both great (which is what kept me watching the show in the beginning--the first half hour did not hook me). Everything about the show seemed to be understated, from his first trip to the past to seeing Olivia to learning about Jacob Gaines at the end. I think that because of that I wasn't very engaged at the beginning (especially because I wasn't expecting it), but as the episode progressed I got used to it. I actually like the understated feel to the show, just because it's so rare for a television series.
I'm definitely going to continue watching both shows.