Such is the case with NBC, which announced that it would schedule weekly second windows for new series Bionic Woman and Life on Sci Fi and USA respectively. Bionic Woman will reair its Wednesdays at 9 pm episode on Sci Fi on Fridays at 7 pm, beginning September 28th; Life will encore at midnight ET, early Monday mornings, after its initial bow on NBC Wednesdays at 10 pm.
If that weren't enough, USA and Bravo will air special blocks of programming on October 6th and 7th, offering viewers another opportunity to catch their dramas, including Journeyman and Chuck, which don't come from studio sibling NBC Universal:
USA: Saturday, October 6th
1 pm: Friday Night Lights (2nd season premiere)
2 pm: Chuck (pilot)
3 pm: Life (pilot)
4 pm: Life (2nd episode)
5 pm: Journeyman (pilot)
6 pm: Bionic Woman (pilot)
Bravo: Sunday, October 7th
Noon: Chuck (pilot)
1 pm: Chuck (2nd episode)
2 pm: Journeyman (pilot)
3 pm: Life (pilot)
4 pm: Bionic Woman (pilot)
Additionally, Sci Fi will reair the pilot episodes of Chuck and Journeyman as well, if you didn't already catch the first three airings or so, while Bravo is scheduled to air marathons of 30 Rock on Sunday, September 30th and Friday Night Lights on October 5th, as a lead-in to the critically-acclaimed, if ratings-starved series' second season premiere on NBC that evening.
What's On Tonight
8 pm: Big Brother 8 (CBS); Smallville (CW); Ugly Betty (ABC); Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (FOX)
9 pm: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CBS); Grey's Anatomy (ABC); Don't Forget the Lyrics (FOX)
10 pm: Without a Trace (CBS); Dateline (NBC); Men in Trees (ABC)
What I'll Be Watching
10 pm: Tim Gunn's Guide to Style on Bravo.
See the style maven make it work on his own fashion series, where he and supermodel Veronica Webb take on one hapless fashion victim and make them over into a sartorial superstar.
But with Sci-Fi running the episodes of GH again later in the night, and Bionic Woman airing again Fridays at 7pm, this would allow me to TiVo Private Practice & Gossip Girl and wait for the DVDs of CM.
Please say NBC will continue this all season long.