The Clerks creator recently announced that he will write and direct the premiere installment of the Heroes spinoff limited series, Heroes: Origins, and he directed the pilot to the new CW dramedy, Reaper, this past spring.
So what's up next for the notoriously foul-mouthed director? Smith will helm an episode of Sci Fi's superlative drama Battlestar Galactica, apparently.
In an interview with AOL's TV Tattler, Smith says that he'll do just that:
"I'm going to go up and direct an episode of Battlestar Galactica, which I'm kind of stoked about. It's cool, but it is scary because it is like, "What the f---? I can't bring anything to that show." That show is genius and they have a very distinctive visual style. But you are safe as a kitten. If you go in there and say, "I'm going to shoot everything in one big master shot," they'll go, "No you're not, because that is not what we do on Battlestar Galactica." I guess it is more about performance-oriented stuff, but at the same time that cast is top notch. How do you f----- direct Mary McDonnell?"I'm excited about the news. I just hope the results are more along the lines of Clerks or Chasing Amy (albeit in space with, well, deadly Cylons) rather than, say, Jersey Girl. But that's just me.
Justin, The people behind Heroes and BSG aren't morons. There's obviously something they've seen the makes them think Smith will be a great fit with their shows. I haven't seen Reaper yet, but only hear great things about it (except for geekchick) and I have to believe they've seen the show and think he's proved himself enough to manage on these huge series.
Of course I'm biased as I'm a huge Smith fan and am truly excited about all his TV work.