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Casting Couch: "24," "Lost," and "Bones" Add Players

A whole slew of casting notices on this chilly early morning in Los Angeles.

John Francis Daley, best known for playing adorable moppet Sam on the still-much-missed Freaks and Geeks, has signed on in a recurring capacity on procedural drama Bones, where he'll play a therapist. (Really, has our little pygmy geek Sam grown up that much?) Daley most recently appeared in the comedy pilot The Call and FOX's short-lived Kitchen Confidential.

Elsewhere, Cherry Jones has landed herself a husband on 24: Colm Feore (Slings and Arrows) will play the First Husband. (Wonder if that means that early plans to give the series' first female president both a husband and a child living at the White House will prove to still be valid.)

Flipping channels over to ABC, Season Four of Lost has gained three new actors. Rebecca Mader (Justice), Jeremy Davies (Band of Brothers), and Lance Reddick (HBO's The Wire) have joined the cast of the drama series, which returns in February 2008. Details on their respective characters are being kept under even tighter wraps than the mystery of Jacob.

Reddick is allegedly playing Arthur Stevens, a corporate recruiter (for Hanso, perhaps?), while it's possible that Mader has been cast as Charlotte, an attractive and loquacious academic. While there is no information about who he'll be playing, Davies will appear in eight episodes of the series next season.

With Kristen Bell no longer available to join the cast of Lost next season, can I make one teensy suggestion to the producers as to a possible replacement, if Mader won't be playing "Charlotte" (the character Bell was meant to play)? Keri Russell?


Anonymous said…
Keri Russell - good suggestion!

I really like Rebecca Mader.
Anonymous said…
Keri Russell would be great.

I love Jeremy Davies and Lance Reddick, so I'm excited to see them. Too bad it's still months before the premiere!
Still bummed that it didn't work out with Kristen Bell but I would definitely cast a vote for Keri Russell. Good call.

I can't believe little Sam Wier will be playing a therapist! Too funny.
Anonymous said…
Mader is no replacement for Bell as much as I like her. Keri Russell would be incredible casting and obviously the producers have an in there.

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