Only a few more days to go to Comic-Con and, while I've already seen the pilot for ABC's Pushing Daisies about a zillion times (check out a new promo here), I cannot wait to attend the Q&A panel after the pilot screening with the cast and crew of Warner Bros. Television's new drama.
Along with giving out pie to the first 300 attendees (the pie is an in-joke that those of you familiar with the series will already get), Warner Bros. has unveiled the cover (shown left, thanks to the good folks at Warner Bros. Television) for the comic book companion to Bryan Fuller's super-saturated supernatural drama Pushing Daisies.
It's a Comic-Con exclusive, which means you can only get the Pushing Daisies comic book next week in San Diego at the Warner Bros.' booth.
Supplies, as they say, will be extremely limited so be sure to drop by and get your Pushing Daisies comic before they're gone!
As for your specious "analogy" about the show only airing in New York, that's ridiculous. We're talking about a promotional tie-in for a series that's being handed out at a promotional event/convention. Did you think you should have gotten a CW t-shirt last year when the network promotional team was touring the country?
I'm sorry I have to agree with Owen. It would be hard to give this out for free to every fan who wanted one.
As for you, if you really want one I'll try to pick up an extra one and then you can buy it from me.
Or check eBay.
The comic is such a fun idea. I really hope this show makes it. It's one of the few original pilots out there.
(Sorry, spent all weekend reading Harry Potter...)
To answer Maggie's question, the book covers some back story for the pilot, and sets up a new story that will be followed in books to come.
It's not a stupid comparison with the show airing in only one city, if you don't live there or can go there - you miss out on a part of the story. Same thing with the comic book. That's what's ridiculous. You don't miss out on the story with a t-shirt.
And there's more comics to come?
And the Tim Sale cover kicks some serious tale!