Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff has signed a deal to return to sci fi drama Bionic Woman as a recurring player. The Hollywood Reporter has indicated that the deal nearly didn't come together and was only signed in the eleventh hour.
While Sackhoff has appeared prominently in NBC's promos for Bionic Woman, there was no deal in place to keep Sackhoff with the series, except for a handful of episodes, and she and studio Universal Media Studios (nee NBC Universal Television Studio) were said to be "far apart on terms."
Whatever the differences of those terms, a deal was signed yesterday that will return the scene-stealing Sackhoff to the series. Sackhoff, who was due to appear at NBC's Bionic Woman panel of the TCA yesterday, failed to turn up due to a "scheduling conflict."
Speculation was rampant that her no-show was in direct response to the recent announcement that Grey's Anatomy pariah Isaiah Washington would be joining the series for five episodes this fall. However, the real reason does appear to be completely contract-related; she and the studio came to an agreement at 6 pm yesterday.
To sum up: Sackhoff will be on Bionic Woman. And those of us who are completely BSG-deprived can tune in to catch her kicking some serious bionic butt this fall.
As you know I LOVE Sackhoff and she is one of the reasons I looked forward to Bionic Woman, now there will be more looking forward to it!
BTW I'm having trouble deciding whether to hit up the Pushing Daises screening or the Bionic Woman screening Sat morning of SDCC. I'm leaning towards Pushing Daises, any advice?
Trust me: you do not want to miss that on the big screen.
As I said I was leaning that way, but that "Pushes" me over, the main reason I'd go to the Bionic Woman panel anyway would be to see Sackhoff, who I'm sure I'll see at the BSG panel anyways.
Thanks for the advice.