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Jerry Seinfeld to Guest Star on Season Two Premiere of "30 Rock"

Jerry Seinfeld on 30 Rock?

Yes, you read that correctly. Jerry Seinfeld is heading back to television and I don't mean in those adorable and whimsical little Bee Movie mini-sodes that the comedian was touting at the network upfronts back in May.

NBC has confirmed that Seinfeld will guest star on the second season premiere of 30 Rock (scheduled for October 4th at 8:30 pm), where he will play himself. He joins an already impressive list of guest stars for a comedy coming out of its first season, including Paul Reubens, Jason Sudeikis, Ghostface Killah, Elaine Stritch, Sean Hayes, Nathan Lane, Molly Shannon, Will Arnett, Chris Parnell, and Will Forte.

"I was thrilled to be asked to guest star on NBC's hit comedy 30 Rock," said Seinfeld in a press release issued by NBC. "I think it's going to be so refreshing for me to be playing myself in a show that has nothing to do with neurotic, dysfunctional New York characters."

How pleased is 30 Rock's harried star/creator/executive producer, Tina Fey?

"We're very excited to have Jerry on 30 Rock," added Fey. "Finally, my parents have an excuse to watch the show."

Given how hysterical 30 Rock is, even sans Seinfeld, each week, I think it's high time you got your 'rents to start tuning in now, Tina. As for me, I already couldn't wait for the return of 30 Rock this fall, but this news is just the cherry on top.


Anonymous said…
This is fantastic, and will definitely compel me to tune in. I've been very impressed with how Seinfeld has handled his career. End the hit show while you're on top. Take a long vacation from doing anything. Hit the comedy trail from the ground up and make sure there's a documentary about it. After all of that, a guest spot doesn't feel desperate, or like a plug for Bee Movie. It just seems like he's gracing them with his presence.

Seinfeld, you magnificent bastard.
Eric said…
I just hope that 30 Rock doesn't turn into Will and Grace with the cameos as distractions, and the guest stars invariably more amused by their role than the audience is.
Anonymous said…
30 Rock is one of the few genuinely funny shows on television. Therefore, I expect it will be cancelled before the end of the second season.
So far, 30 Rock has managed to stay away from the Will and Grace three ring circus of parading guest stars in for a ratings boost. Instead, Tiny Fey and company have created some truly wonderful (and weird!) parts for the show's guest stars which have only added to the hilarity of the show. Hopefully, it will remain that way and we'll get more brilliant performances from people like Will Arnett. And I'm really looking forward to seeing what they come up with for Seinfeld. I have a feeling it's going to be great!
The CineManiac said…
I may just have to check this show out now.
Matt said…
I agree with everyone else that 30 Rock has managed to continuously improve with sharper and funnier episodes without relying on numerous cameos.

Jerry will be fun to watch but I can't wait to see some more delectable insult battles between Liz and Jack.

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