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Battle for Promicin (and Viewership): Why Does No One Talk About "The 4400"?

I'm going to get something off my chest here, something that's bothered me for a long time now. I'm hoping that you, gentle readers, might be able to answer this question that's plagued me for a while now.

Why does no one seem to talk about The 4400?

There. I've said it. Sure, the series is watched by a rather devoted coterie of followers but it never gets the mainstream press in a way that, say, Battlestar Galactica or Heroes does. What is it about this little series that the press--and the viewing public--don't seem to embrace?

For those of you not in the know, USA recently launched the fourth season of this superlative sci fi drama, which poses questions of morality each week as it tracks the fates of 4400 abductees who return to their lives blessed (or cursed) with extraordinary abilities, the NTAC agents assigned to protect and investigate these people, and the baseline humans who have begun injecting themselves with a substance called promicin, which grants them 4400 abilities (or kills them instantaneously).

So my question to you, my readers, is this: why do you like/dislike The 4400 and why do you think that it doesn't seem to get much mention in press, online or otherwise?

(And for the devoted viewers out there: just what ability will Diana's sister April manifest? And how could that be tied into the title for next week's episode of The 4400, "The Truth and Nothing But the Truth"? Hmmm...)


Eric said…
I think its because it's on USA Network. They have no buzz and have never shown any facility for creating buzz.
Unknown said…
Monk, Psych, The Dead Zone are other good shows on USA that never get much press. Monk's even won awards (or Tony Shaloub has).

Will April be able to compel people to tell the truth? That could be interesting, very interesting.
Anonymous said…
It's sad because The 4400 is so much better than Heroes but it receives no recognition. Perhaps because it's on the USA Network. Or perhaps because the seasons are short. But it is strange that it's rarely mentioned by critics and that it doesn't seem to have the same sort of cult following as Battlestar or similar shows. I think the fans are out there. They're just...quieter. I wish this fantastic show would get the attention it deserves!
Anonymous said…
Maybe those that watch 4400, The Dead Zone and other USA shows don't have the insane number of Internet users that shows like BSG has. Buzz these days seems to be based only on the Internet. Not everyone has a blog or likes to argue in message board forums.

I'm not a fan of Monk, but the other three shows I never miss.
The CineManiac said…
I love this show, but the first 3 episodes of the season are resting comfortably on my DVR waiting for the wife and I to finish watching Ugly Betty (21 Episodes in a week with 3 to go!!! I Love this show!!!)
As for The 4400, since I haven't been watching I won't say much, but I think it's just one of those shows which hang there under the radar with a good amount of viewers, but no real critical support. Also in a world where everything seems to be Sci-Fi these days it's just one of the many.
Bill said…
That is kind of odd, now that I think about it. Usually any moderately successful sci-fi show has a rabid following, even stuff like Farscape, but I haven't seen that for the 4400 at all.

Maybe it's the lack of the sort of young hot woman in a prominent role? Geeks usually like those, and Heroes and BSG have them in spades, but the 4400 is not packed full of eye candy. Not to take anything away from Jacqueline McKenzie or Laura Allen, they're beautiful women, or to say I have a problem with eye candy, because I don't, but the 4400 just isn't going for that type of thing.
Mel Odom said…
Just found your site. Adding it to my blog so other people can find it too. It's hard to manage my work schedule and keep up with television. You're helping a lot!
Anonymous said…
This is something I've wondered myself as I can't really figure out why people aren't talking about this show. BSG probably has a more vocal fanbase but those of us who love The 4400 are out there too.

That said, I blame USA. If this were on Sci Fi, things could be different.
Dani In NC said…
I'm not sure the lack of buzz has to do with the geeks. As Bill said, the show may not have the kind of sexiness that gets the mainstream press talking. There are always shows that seem to hang on for years without anyone talking about them. CBS is full of them.

As for why I like The 4400: it is what I call the acceptance factor. We don't have to watch someone convincing others every week that this person or that has a power. People see the power, say "He must be on promicin" and then we can move on with the plot. One thing that drives me nuts about Medium (another favorite) is that Allison has to convince her husband over and over that her visions come true.

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