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Go Go "Gilmore Girls": Graham and Bledel to Leave Stars Hollow

Carole King once said, "Where you lead, I will follow," but I think we've reached the end of the road with those two girls called Gilmore.

According to a source inside the production, there will not be an eighth season of Gilmore Girls, which will wrap up its run this May.

While there have been rumors of a possible eleventh hour contract renegotiation with stars Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel (who, according to reports, have only decided to sign their contracts if the other does as well), purported (and disastrous) Season Eight storyline plans, and petitions to save the show, it seems that it's not in the stars (hollow or otherwise) for any future seasons of Gilmore Girls.

According to my source, staffers on the Warner Bros. Television series have been told that the series will not be going forward and have begun to look for other employment next season. The same holds for the actors: Melissa McCarthy, who plays chef Sookie, recently signed on to co-star opposite Christina Applegate and Jean Smart in ABC comedy pilot Sam I Am.

Hell, Gilmore Girls' showrunner David Rosenthal is allegedly looking for work as well.

For fans of the show, at least we got five fantastic years with these girls and two not-so-good ones (you all know which ones I'm referring to), but I wouldn't trade those pop culture-laced memories for anything.


Anonymous said…
I'm hoping this is really the end of Gilmore Girls. This season has been a depressing mess and sadly the sooner Rory and Lorelai retreat to the safety of DVD boxsets the better.
Anonymous said…
Well that sucks. Thanks for the depressing news.
Anonymous said…
what do you mean the other "not so good one"???!!!!
Anonymous said…
Sigh. I know I should feel relief, as it's always better to go out before it's a complete disaster (and no - I don't think this season is a complete disaster. There have been some good eps). But I am still sad. I am really going to miss those girls, even if they aren't what they once were.

I know it's better for them to go now, but with VM looking unlikely, I think I am really going to notice the GG loss.
Anonymous said…
Thank god. I love the old GG and can't bring myself to stop watching, but it's just been painful lately.
This is definitely good news. Gilmore Girls is well past its prime. We should honor the show by watching the DVDs and reflecting on how brilliant it used to be rather than dragging it out for another painfully bad season. Also, this way, the extremely talented cast will be free to work on other projects and I look forward to seeing what they'll do next.
Anonymous said…
I do hope it ends. Though I loved the show lately I've been watching just because I have been a loyal fan since the beginning. The show isn't as great as it was in the past, I don't think it's horrible but it's not the same. Besides I thought the plan was for the show to end with Rory's graduation from college.
Anonymous said…
Sigh. I’m probably the only one who thinks this, but for me the (admittedly gentle) bulldozing of the Lorelai-Christopher relationship was the end of the potential for the show. Not just because I liked the two of them, but because in the writers’ attempt to end the Christopher “possibility”, they killed a whole lot of other things as well. Lorelai and Christopher dated as teenagers, they never had a chance to form an adult relationship. So, then, date for a few months as adults and find out you’re part of each other’s pasts and not futures. That’s closure. Not this pathetic attempt to relive their teenage past in a brief marriage. For me, the end of Lorelai-Christopher wasn’t sad in a satisfying way like many people have said, it was just depressing, a sadly anticlimactic end to a relationship that had a lot of potential and a marriage that was never given a chance.

I could enjoy Lorelai and Max and yet see why she wasn’t ready for marriage with him, liked Lorelai and Christopher in season 2 and yet could understand that the timing wasn’t right for them, could completely understand why she turned to Luke and fell for him in the following seasons, yet could see why this first attempt at a real adult relationship might not work out. In Season 7, I felt that Christopher had matured enough that Lorelai would finally get it right with him. But now that Lorelai and Christopher are over, to me it just seems like the end of the road for Lorelai’s romantic relationships. The best the show can do, now, is awkwardly scramble back to Season 5 and do a retake of Lorelai and Luke again and at this point, I simply don’t care. I understand it, she and Christopher aren’t meant to be, but she married him, I can’t just whitewash that from my mind and pretend it was a digression (and how is Luke supposed to by the way), nor can I happily erase Season 6 Luke and Lorelai events from my mind like the shippers want to do. If there was a Season 8, no matter how well done, I don’t know if I could even really feel it. I’m not interested in seeing stories retold.

And as for Rory, her character is waning—probably partly due to a lack of a storyline for her, partly to do with Alexis’ Bledel’s disinterest. Please get Lorelai and Luke back together, show Lorelai letting Rory go off into the career world, resolve the relationship with Lorelai and her parents, and end the show.
It just feels to me like anything beyond this is going to be some bizarre attempt to pretend Seasons 6 and 7 didn’t happen, not logical, coherent storytelling anymore.
Anonymous said…
If that is indeed true, I feel truly sorry and disappointed for one specific reason: having wasted the most part of the last season on a storyline involving Christopher and having him shoved in our face front and center for 14+ episodes of the last season of the show. And the big question that will never be answered for the fans is Why? Why did Amy do that? Why did Amy lead the fans in one direction for 5 and a half years, the direction being Lorelai’s and Rory’s new life in Stars Hollow, to bring out a character who has always been nothing but a plotline, a character that belonged in Lorelai’s past, one that she did not want to make a life with even though they share a daughter. A character who was absent for greats parts of the show and only showed up here and there to mess things up. How can some people say they love the character when he was never an important part of the show. Now, the fans of the show will be left with Lorelai having been married to the one guy she did not want to marry in the first place and never have her middle with the man who was always there for her, her true love, her rock, Luke Danes. After mid-season 6 I really did not care if the show continued or not, but now that we stuck with it to the bitter end, the only reason I really wanted to have a season 8 is exactly to have closure, to see Lorelai have the middle and whole package that was denied to us for the sake of “drama” and not even good drama at that. Gilmore Girls has never been about drama to me. Amy SP ruined a perfectly good show. I will never watch anything she pens or produces. I am also deeply disappointed in Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel and I don’t care about them and their careers anymore. All was asked was one more year with good pay for them while making the followers of the show happy. I know it is a business and therefore the hard lesson is, never get invested in a show (as Amy asked us to do). An 8th season would have meant for the show to end on a high note, salvaging a bad one and a half season, instead it will end as garbage because that’s all these wasted 14 Christopher centric episodes have been a big pile of garbage. Good riddance to all responsible for the assassination of Gilmore Girls.
Jace Lacob said…
Um, Anonymous? I don't know why you're blasting Amy for character assassination with the whole 14+ episodes (as you put it) of Christopher being shoved down our throats. As we all know, she left at the end of last season BEFORE the whole Lorelai and Christopher get married for no reason storyline.
Anonymous said…
I have read your posts and come to the conclusion that we need an 8th season.Only to tie up all the loose ends on this series.Lauren/Alexis owe us the fans an ending that we can all be satisfied with.Yes Amy did what she did at the end of season 6 and I for one think is was f--k you because I am not getting a 2 yr contract.I will never watch anything she writes again.I watched GG for 7 yrs and Amy always said trust me they are soul mates and they will be together.Crazy me for believing her.We need for Lauren/Alexis to realize how lucky they are to be in a hit TV series.They are good but not that good as to be high paying actors in the movies.Alexis doesn't have it to ever be anything but a TV actor and Lauren has so much competition with younger actors that she will find it very hard to find work in movies.Her last couple of movies were not that good.Amy started the romance between Luke/Lorelai because she saw the chemistry and it worked in season 1 thru 5.Lorelai wants her middle and we as fans need to see it.That includes Luke proposing,wedding and honeymoon.We also need to see Rory getting a good job in NY or where ever they send her and finally be on her own.Rory at the beginning of the series had so much confidence in herself where did it go.Jess was the only one who could tell her what the hell are you doing when she dropped out of Yale.Her being with Logan makes her question herself on her ability.Pleasd DR give us fans a happy ending that we all can be proud of.
Anonymous said…
How can there not be another one!! I love this show! You cant end it! All you need is one more season, just to give Lorelai and Luke some time to get together.. kind of a wrap-up season, what everyone wants to see :) Luke and Lorelai together..
Anonymous said…
There needs to be another season. You can finish everything up in one season. Lorelai just broke up with Chris, you need more time to get Luke and Lorelai back together!
Anonymous said…
I'm old enough to have witnessed the end of great shows like MASH and Cheers. I took it as just another sign of my being a misfit when they cancelled Square Pegs, Hidden Hills and Committed. I didn't like it but I got through it. The idea of GG going down this way is just crushing. I'm so mad I could spit. To drag it out like this, let us cling to hope down to the last few episodes is clearly unfair. If this was to be the last season they should have made the decision pre-season and been clear about it. I would never have wasted my time watching any of it if I had known that LL would be a lost cause. Of course the CW knew that, which is why the lousy bastards played us all the way they did. I will never watch anything from this network again. This show was a giant hit and a lot of people made a ton of money from it, all thanx to us, the loyal fans. It's a lousy rip-off that our loyalty has been rewarded with this last-minute slap in the face. I hate them all. Hockey stick, mucklesnake, rattle, rattle, underpants.
Anonymous said…
I guess this should be a good thing but it makes me upset. This season has been so painful. I felt they waited too long to decide whether to end the show that they won't have enough time to make a really good ending once they decide. I was really hoping they could go on for just one more season to make things right again and end it well(with amy's help of course, i heard she knows exactly how the last four episodes should go down to the last two words!). Either way it will still be extremely difficult to see them go, i'll miss them so much!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
nonononono this show cannot end :( im hoping its a lie cause i just love it.. i mean we've all had fun with the gilmorisms and the drama and just all the complications that come across their lives.. please i need an 8th season :'( i just love gilmore girls.. and i think 7th season has been a lot different but it hasn't been a bad one.. that makes me so mad and so sad.. im smad :/
Anonymous said…
I agree that GG shouldn't end. I didn't start watching it until after Season Four so I had a lot of catching up to do. We need A. Sherman-Palladino to give us a last year of the best and snappiest dialogue and the sweetest little town and people in TV Land.

Has anyone considered that Dean might be resurrected for a couple of episodes? In a way, he has always been to Rory what Luke is to Loralai.

Great posts people. Click your heels and repeat after me "There's no place like Stars Hollow. There's no place like Stars Hollow...."
Anonymous said…
Please, please end the show. This season has been awful. I love the show too much to watch it die like this. I think it is true that it "jumped the shark" when paul anka came. that season wasn't completely horrible but this one has gotten painful. Let it end!
Anonymous said…
I love this show and am very disappointed to hear that there will be no eight season. I agree with many of the others who have commented...the fans need loose ends tied up. What happens with Lorelai and Luke? I would really like to see things work out with them; they are magic. What about Rory and Logan? I will really miss this show.
Anonymous said…
This season HAS been a depressing mess. I watched last night's - May 1st's - episode about Rory's fears of being unemployed after Yale. It was another sad, sad hour. Even when Amy and Daniel had the show tackle heavier subjects as the seasons progressed they had a bit of humor and lightness to them. This season is just incredibly down and as dark as the show has ever been.

As so many others do, lately I just watch to go through the motions, in hopes that I'll see something worthwhile, but it's all been in vain so far this season. Lame writing by someone who shouldn't be involved in the show. It's dying a slow, painful death out of the hands of those who created it with so much care and love.

They really need to get Amy back for the final episode--we need to hear the final words she worked out for the show way back when she created it! We'll be sorry to see the Gilmores leave the first-run broadcast airwaves, but will always have the DVDs and ABC Family syndication to sustain us. Let the show die a peaceful and noble death!
Anonymous said…
Don't be mad with Amy Sherman-Palladino or with Lauren and Alexis.

It must have been very difficult for Amy to give up something she had created and had to work very hard to get on the air; the battle must have been tough. Gilmore Girls gave the network the ability to expand their audience beyond the teens who watch One Tree Hill etc.

As for Lauren and Alexis, whatever they may or may not go on to after Gilmore Girls ends, they shouldn't be criticized. With the incredibly poor quality of the recent scripts it's no surprise that they don't want to stay around to go through the motions for another season. Acting Amy and Daniel's scripts must have been a lot of fun, but this replacement's writing must be a chore for the actors to perform.
newly said…
we're not asking the impossible! I agree with people who said we need an 8th season not just because we want to keep on watching gg but because there must be a proper end, 7th season is incomplete! the network can't just said it's over when there are just 2 episides left, without announcing the thing from the beginning like other great seasons have done like f.r.i.e.n.d.s...this is not correct, there's been just speculations and then oh it's true no more GG...I mean Alexis and Lauren are well paid, it's just one last summer of shooting and it's over for them, I now it's bussiness and they want more but we're not asking to go to 10 seasons ,even though I would be happy, because let's be real : GG can't offer good things anymore, we want 1 last season to fix things up and end it well and happy satisfying all the fans aand viewers! Let' not ruin the show like this!
Anonymous said…
Ok.. I WANT AN EIGHTH SEASON! I've gone to tons of Gilmore Girls websites complaining about how the story isn't even over! What's going to happen to Luke and Lorelai? Rory and Logan? This sucks bunches! I watch Gilmore Girls EVERY Tuesday and I've seen every episode from seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &6.. I NEED AN EIGHT SEASON!!! Please!
Anonymous said…
i agree with every1. theyve really butchered the show this season and i think if they dont want 2 lose fans on other things that they do then they need 2 fix everything. have a season 8. not because we want it...although id love 2 c it continue if the script was back 2 its beginnin...but bcause as the loyal fans that weve been we deserve a better endin. i saw the episode sunday where "rory" says no to "logan" but next wk is that last show. how can they do that i mean now shes all alone and sad and all and they expect 2 fix everythin and do 1 good endin in 1 show? id dont think so the best script writer out there couldnt salvage this season in 1 episode. and bsides with the ""luke and lorelai" thing they drag it out then make them get 2gether and break up then they ecpect 2 end it real fast. im just so mad at this. i mean come on guys buck up its only 13 more shows at about 30ish minutes it wouldnt flippin kill u then u can go on and do whatever u want! well i think im done rantin now. lets all just hope that they change their minds. mayb at the last minute alexis will. *fingers crossed*
Anonymous said…

Many in America do need immediate satisfaftion!
It seems game-shows hold the attention of most Americans as opposed of series shows(shows lasting longer than an eye-blink.)

I now understand why "American Idol", "Survivor", and "The next Top Model" do so well here in my country....Attention is lacking.

Anonymous said…
I read that Lauren Graham and Alexis Bleidel (spelling may be incorrect) were not interested in renewing.
Anonymous said…
Well i never watched gg when it first aired but i borrowed the dvd box sets from my friend and soon became attatched to it. By the sixth season I was upset that chris and lorelai were having a begining and i havent wacthed teh seventh season because i didnt want to come into it in the middle so i am still waiting to watch it but i have seen maybe 3 episodes and i definatly isnt the same...ive seen previews for the series finale and i was upset because they showed luke and lorelai kissing meaning they are getting together but i agree that they need one more episode just to make it worth watching the whole time and make us feel like watching them wernt a complete waste of time. I think this will give most people what they want and everyone can leave the show satisfied.
Anonymous said…
I'm still hoping for Season 8... Although, I sometimes get bored on Rory's character... Luke & Lorelai are still my favorites... If Gilmore Girls really have to go, why not a Lauren Graham-Scott Patterson Show instead...
Anonymous said…
This isn't fair i love the gilmore girls I am addicted and i would really miss them I don't think the eps have been that bad i think they shud keep going for a while.
Anonymous said…
this sucks i love the gilmore girls iv been watching for years i have every box set made and i want to see what happens who ends up with who and we need lose ends tied up. I really hope they do renew their contracts
Anonymous said…
I quite agree with many of the comments. In Holland we have enjoyed the series and I have bought the dvds after them being recommended by my daughter. The 7th season was such a disappointment and so depressing. We felt cheated by the pace and the storyline. Too much emphasis on Rory and her great accomplishments, but many viewers (myself included)were very interested in the inevitable making up with Luke- we were teased into believing that it would be a big thing, but it was all wrapped up too quickly- the viewers who had come to see the inhabitants of Stars Hollow as a sort of extended family, didn't have time to say goodbye- it was a depressing series and that is not how such a good series should climax. We should be treated to an 8th series to give more emphasis on the wrapping up of a successful series, with happy occasions- the wedding that we had been teased into thinking we would get. Fantastic actors- what a waste. I shall miss the adorable Luke (who could not love him?),and the lovely Lorelai.
Think again. PLEASE
Anonymous said…
I liked the show but there is only one problem!!!!!! Rory must and i repeat must marry logan!! the only thing that really made me feel exited is the time when rory is with logan....

I would like it to end. But i too would like rory to get married by logan.!! So please make a more pleasing season so it would end by rory marries logan and lorlie marries someone!!

Here are your choices:

(cristopher)(Luke)(some other guy)
Jay_Nie said…
I Can't Believe This...Y does Alexis have to quit. It shouldnt all be up to her even though shes spent a lot of her life there. The reason this all sucks is the fact that everything on the last episode was left unexplained. Everyone that loves the show Is like, well its not fair to everyone who loves the show. This is crap. I love the show and so do many of others.
Anonymous said…
i lovee gilmore girls and i would be so devastated if there is no season 8. they need to wrap it up by putting Rory and Jess togther again because they were the most perfectest couple EVER!! and Luke and Lorelai togther beacuse they are soul mate and they complete each other. plaese be another season!!!
Anonymous said…
Use are all being very well, idiotic.

Gilmore girls was a huge part of my life and I'm only 14 & I love it.

I hope there is a season 8, having Lorelai a new kid well that would be great especially if it was Luke's kid!
everyone cheer up! & hope there is a season 8, if Rosenthal ended and palladino (or whatever) came back it would be better!
Anonymous said…
i am only 15 and i love the gilmore girls there needs to be a proper ending to it rory and logan needs to stay together and luke and lorelia need to get married!!! The gilmore girls seasons should end with both of them happy with there boys! i only think it is fair that it ends with them both married and happy... we were left with so many questions and they need to be answered so please let there be a season 8
The end was a bit disappointing. A happy ending to the show would have been a much better end to the show. But apart from the last episode, the show has always delivered the goods.

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