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CBS Yanks "Smith"

In an unexpected move, CBS has stolen crime drama Smith right off of its primetime schedule.

Smith, which features an all-star dream cast including Ray Liotta, Virginia Madsen, Amy Smart, Simon Baker, and Jonny Lee Miller, hadn't exactly caught on in the ratings like gangbusters, but it's surprising that CBS would pull the beleaguered show rather than test it in a less competitive timeslot.

While CBS has yet to use the C-word (that would be cancelled, folks), it does seem like the jig is up for Smith's team of thieves.

The news comes on the heels of NBC's announcement that it would not be ordering the back nine episodes of drama Kidnapped and would shift the series, now only 13 episodes total, to the Saturday night graveyard shift.

Meanwhile, the odds are that one of these series will be the next to get the axe: CW's Runway, ABC's Six Degrees, and CBS' The Class. Start placing your bets as to which will be next...


Anonymous said…
I can't BELIEVE CBS just yanked this wonderful show after only 3 episodes. I am appalled! There was so much going on behind Hope's eyes that I wanted to discover. Virginia Madsen and Ray Liotta's chemistry leapt off the screen. Such a good show to bury opposite two proven winners, why not move it to a better time?
rockauteur said…
Smith was great!!!! I can't believe they pulled this either... CBS wonders why it go a lot of flak at TCA this year about serialized shows and audiences being weary of trying them - well case in point!! And with 8.4 million viewers, thats NOT that bad!! Compared to the 9.5 of the Office/My Name is Earl on NBC, the 10 million of time slot competition Boston Legal, its not that much less! It's more than NBC's The Biggest Loser... more than Vanished on FOX. More than a lot of shows! Stupid CBS!
Elhakim said…
very good. superb work. i love the picture.

Anonymous said…
The CW swapped their Sunday and Monday lineup hoping that would help, so Runaway probably has a reprieve for another few weeks.

CBS is flipflopping The Class and How I Met Your Mother which makes more sense anyway. You want the popular show to lead into the new show, not the other way around. This makes me think The Class has a few more weeks in it, too.

Which leaves Six Degrees. I haven't seen it yet, so I can't say, but I have heard the ratings have been dismal.

Did I hear right that Crossing Jordan has been bumped to midseason for yet another game show?

Anonymous said…
Smith was a lot better than some shows that have been on for years. I don't blame CBS, though, it seems lot a lot of viewers just don't get this show.
Anonymous said…
Given the show's plunging ratings, it's no big surprise.

I think people are probably unfairly criticizing the network for canceling the show before it had found its footing. The inherent flaw in serialized programming that relies on building continuity is that you're more likely to lose viewers than you are to gain viewers. I can't imagine there are many people that are going to pick up this show four episodes into the series and keep following it.
Anonymous said…
What BS....Finally a great show with a great cast & it gets and my buddies are furious....
Anonymous said…
What a crock. This was the best of the fall lineup for all channels and they yanked it
Anonymous said…
I TUNES.....please pick this up!!!!!
HOO said…
That was the only new fall show I watched...and now it's gone. I was just waiting to see how Virginia Madsen was going to WILD OUT on Liotta!
Anonymous said…
Oh I was so saddened to find my TIVO had suddenly lost SMITH, when all along those stinkers are taking it away from us. After 3 episodes. 3!!! What in the heck?! Who takes that much time and effort for 3 episodes. Sheesh. I'm very disappointed to say the least because the series was smart and fun and exciting and I felt as if I was watching a mini movie but better. UUHHGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT IT BACK! REALLY! TRY AGAIN CBS!
Unknown said…
In the "better late than never"category, I am sickened and dumbfounded about the loss of "Smith." With all the crap that CBS runs now, how could the network pull the plug so soon? I guess those of us posting here simply have better taste than most of America.
Cee Cee said…
What was CBS thinking when they pulled the show after just 3 weeks. They should have given it more time. The one show you where the ZZZ's didn't get you. Every week I was waiting for Tuesday to come around to find out what would happen next and get to know the characters better. There was more to this drama than just heists. Now we'll never know.

I agree that they should move SMITH to a better time. Also why wasn't the show being promoted? Apparently CBS was afraid of getting a lot of flak from people who would only see it as being

I am sure there are lot of viewers out there that like a show that spikes their curiosity and note the nuances rather than sit like blobs on a couch and know already where stories is going.

By the way, anyone out there know how CBS can be influenced to return the show???

Anonymous said…
Unbelieveable! This had the makings of a great show. With a brief 30 second, here's what's happened recently, viewers who started watching later could have caught up with what was going on. It's not brain surgery. Anybody ever hear of 24? You can't get more serial than that and it has had a huge following.
Anonymous said…
What was CBS thinking! Great cast and good story line. CBS you are a tease.
Anonymous said…
Ready for the reruns. CBS has no clue as in... they think we want to watch Katie Couric. give us three reruns, cause I missed the last show!
Connie Meahan said…
I am still in shock that after three episodes CBS just pulls off SMITH. I realize it was thrown against a couple of decent shows, but where have you seen such a talented group of people on one show? I am extremely disaapointed and wish another network would pick up the un-aired episodes.
Anonymous said…
I guess "Smith" was to much for the CBS viewers. Lástima para los que nos gusta lo bueno. For me it was the only "good enough" new show of the season and this outterspace executives blew it away.
Anonymous said…
I have been frantically searching for when this show was going to air next. I am in shock that after only three shows... sigh. What can we do. I have to admit I watch Boston Legal, but I recorded Smith. I really want to see how this show ends!

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