First up, Rob Thomas and the Veronica producers continue their love of all things Arrested Development. First, Mr. Thomas gave us Arrested's George-Michael Bluth and Maebe Funke in guest starring roles (look for them to pop up again next season) and now he's giving us the poor alopecia-prone Stan Sitwell, sometimes arch-nemesis of the Bluth family.
Ed Begley Jr. (Best in Show) has been cast as the dean of Hearst College, the new base of operations for Veronica and the Gang, where I imagine she'll be running into some disciplinary problems before long. The news about Begley's hiring comes after TV Guide's Michael Ausiello reported that Begley's Best in Show co-star Michael McKean (love him too) had been offered the role by the show's producers, only to turn it down. (He would have been fantastic too.) Either way, I can't wait. Bring on Veronica Mars Season Three now!
In my Veronica Mars Comic Con coverage a few weeks back, I mentioned that Rob Thomas screened a promo that he and the series' producers had put together for consideration at the CW. It's a hoot and I had hoped to share it with you, my adoring readers. Fortunately, it's available on You Tube and, conveniently, right below these very words. Watching it just makes me all nostalgic and excited for next season... and hopefully many more to come. You've got "one of TV's best written series," so don't screw this up, CW!
No matter, Begley will no doubt do a great job.
Question: Two weeks without AA, and your comeback does not include Veronica Mars? In the words of Gob, come on! — Dominique
Ausiello: Maybe this'll make up for it. Rob Thomas conveyed to me the "most depressing casting news in the world" last Thursday. "Yesterday morning we had Michael McKean to play the dean [of Hearst College], which I was so excited about I was doing backflips. It made my day yesterday. And then I got the call last night that he had passed [on the role]. So, somewhere his agent got confused over the course of 12 hours. I'm such a huge fan of him, and he's exactly who we wanted to use. He was at the top of my list. That's a drag."