According to the paper's source, said to be close to Gervais and co-writer Stephen Merchant, the cause of the renewed interest is NBC's veddy American version of The Office: "Stephen and Ricky have been getting sent the scripts of the US version of the show – which is now in its third series – and falling about laughing. They’re encouraged to edit the scripts but can’t find fault with them. "
If the above is believed to be true (and given the source, it's rather likely to not be true), then Gervais and Merchant are considering writing new material for a possible return to The Office. No comment from Gervais or Merchant yet, but it's only a matter of time before the rumor is confirmed... or denied. (Where's Gareth when you need him?)
Two brilliant versions of The Office for the price of one? If it happens, that will be my lucky day... Stay tuned, Wernham-Hogg fans.